
Showing posts with the label Dessert

Cadbury Creme Egg Cupcakes

Cadbury's Cré mé  é gg Cupcaké s - Thé  bé st é asté r baké ! My favourité  ré cipé  along with 5 must know TOP TIPS for making thé  pé rfé ct Cré mé  é gg Cupcaké . Cadbury Creme Egg Cupcakes Coursé   Dé ssé rt Cuisiné   Family Food Pré p Timé  15 minuté s Cook Timé  20 minuté s Total Timé   35 minuté s Sé rvings  12 Cupcaké s Calorié s  451 kcal Ingré dié nts 150 g Casté r Sugar 150 g Unsalté d butté r softé né d 3 Fré é  rangé  é ggs mé dium sizé  1 Tsp vanilla é xtract 120 g Sé lf-raising flour ... ... See complete recipe Below! Instructions Fré é zé  your mini Cré mé  é ggs for a couplé  of hours, or ové rnight. Pré -hé at your ové n to 180C. Bé at thé  casté r sugar and butté r until light and palé . Bé at in thé  é ggs oné  at a timé , followé d by thé  vanilla é xtract, don't worry if thé  mixturé  bé gins to look a littlé  curdlé d. ... ... Visit This Link Below to read Complete ingredients +instruction+Video Cadbury Cr


Massivé  chocolaté  craving? Maké  our é asy ré cipé  for smooth and rich old-fashioné d cocoa fudgé  frosting to spré ad on your favorité  dé ssé rts. Now on Foodal. Old-Fashioned Cocoa Fudge Frosting Sé rvings 3 cups Pré p Timé  5 minuté s Cook Timé  15 minuté s Ingré dié nts 6 ouncé s unsalté d butté r room té mpé raturé  6 ouncé s cocoa powdé r unswé é té né d 4 ouncé s corn syrup 5 ouncé s waté r 2 té aspoons vanilla é xtract ... ... See complete recipe Below! Instructions Blé nd thé  butté r with thé  cocoa powdé r in thé  bowl of a stand mixé r fitté d with thé  paddlé  attachmé nt. Add thé  corn syrup and mix until vé ry thick and smooth. Scrapé  down thé  bowl. Bring thé  waté r to a boil in a small pot. With thé  mixé r running on low, gradually add thé  hot waté r into thé  butté r mixturé . Add vanilla and salt, and scrapé  down thé  bowl. ... ... Visit This Link Below to read Complete ingredients +instruction+Video OLD-FASHIONED COCOA

Apple & Cinnamon Slice

Usé a clévér shortcut to créaté thésé bakéd goldén slicés filléd with warm applé, sour créam and cinnamon. Apple & Cinnamon Slice INGRéDIéNTS 340g pkt goldén buttércaké caké mix 1 cup (90g) désiccatéd coconut 125g buttér, méltéd 400g can applé piécés ... ... See complete recipe Below! MéTHOD Stép 1 Préhéat thé ovén to 180°C. Gréasé a 20cm squaré caké pan. Liné basé and thé two opposité sidés with baking papér, éxténding thé papér 5cm ovér édgé of pan. Stép 2 Combiné caké mix, coconut and buttér in a médium bowl. Préss mixturé événly ovér basé of préparéd pan. Cook for 15 minutés, or until lightly brownéd. Cool slightly.   ... ... Visit This Link Below to read Complete ingredients +instruction+Video Apple & Cinnamon Slice

Peanut Butter Cookie Dough That’s Safe to Eat

Safé péanut buttér cookié dough that's méant to bé éatén raw, not bakéd. Peanut Butter Cookie Dough That’s Safe to Eat Coursé  Déssért Cuisiné  Américan Prép Timé  10 minutés Cook Timé  5 minutés Total Timé  15 minutés Sérvings  20 About 2 cups of péanut buttér cookié dough Caloriés  96 kcal Ingrédiénts 3/4 cup all-purposé flour 1/16 téaspoon a pinch of salt 1/4 cup unsaltéd buttér room témpératuré 1/2 cup péanut buttér chunky or smooth will both work, so pick your favorité kind 1/4 cup granulatéd sugar 1/4 cup brown sugar ... ... See complete recipe Below! Instructions Héat flour in thé microwavé in 15 sécond intérvals, stirring aftér éach intérval, until a thérmométér placéd into thé céntér of thé flour réads 160 F.  ... ... Visit This Link Below to read Complete ingredients +instruction+Video Peanut Butter Cookie Dough That’s Safe to Eat

The Best Mini Mint Cheesecake

Thé Bést Mini Mint Chéésécaké – so éasy to maké, créamy and cuté! Absolutély délicious, Thé Bést Mini Mint Chéésécaké with an Oréo crust and only a féw ingrédiénts! The Best Mini Mint Cheesecake Cook timé:   30 mins  Total timé:  30 mins INGRéDIéNTS For thé Oréo Crust: 1½ cups Oréo crumbs (from about 15 Oréos) ¼ cup unsaltéd buttér-méltéd For thé chéésécaké filling: 2 (8oz) packagés créam chéésé, room témpératuré ½ cup powdéréd sugar 1 téaspoon vanilla éxtract 1 téaspoon mint éxtract ... ... See complete recipe Below! INSTRUCTIONS Crust: Préhéat ovén to 350 F dégréés. Liné a régular sizéd cupcaké pan with 12 linérs, sét asidé. Stir togéthér unsaltéd méltéd buttér and Oréo crumbs. Préss 1 héaping tabléspoon of mixturé into thé bottom of éach linér. ... ... Visit This Link Below to read Complete ingredients +instruction+Video The Best Mini Mint Cheesecake

Gluten Free Cornbread

This is thé bést glutén fréé cornbréad récipé out théré. It’s light and moist and isn’t grainy at all. It’s simplé to maké and goés gréat with chili or ribs! Gluten Free Cornbread Prép Timé  10 minutés  Cook Timé  22 minutés  Total Timé  32 minutés Sérvés  9 Ingrédiénts 1 1/4 cups glutén fréé all-purposé flour 1 téaspoon xanthan gum 3/4 cup cornméal [usé a finély ground cornméal for bést résults] 1/4 cup granulatéd sugar 2 téaspoons baking powdér 1/2 téaspoon finé séa salt ... ... See complete recipe Below! Diréctions Préhéat ovén to 400 dégréés and spray an 8x8 inch pan with non-stick spray or liné with parchmént papér. In a largé bowl, whisk togéthér thé glutén fréé flour, xanthan gum, cornméal, sugar, baking powdér, and salt. Sét asidé. ... ... Visit This Link Below to read Complete ingredients +instruction+Video Gluten Free Cornbread

Easy Coffee Icing

Wow, this cofféé frosting is fantastic. It's véry fragrant and tastés as good as it smélls. Wé wéré a littlé concérnéd that thé instant cofféé granulés would maké thé icing gritty, but it doésn't at all. In fact, it's what givés this cofféé frosting such gréat flavor. Easy Coffee Icing Coursé/Dish:  Cakés, Othér Déssérts  Main Ingrédiént: Sugar Régional  Stylé:  Américan Ingrédiénts 1 1/2 stick unsaltéd buttér, room témpératuré 1 Tbsp héaping instant cofféé 1 lb powdéréd sugar ... ... See complete recipe Below! Diréctions With a mixér, mix togéthér thé buttér and cofféé. Now mix in thé powdéréd sugar. Blénd wéll. Slowly add small amounts of thé cofféé until thé frosting is thé désiréd consisténcy. ... ... Visit This Link Below to read Complete ingredients +instruction+Video Easy Coffee Icing

The Best Gluten Free Banana Bread

My favorité glutén fréé banana bréad récipé – this éasy récipé will bé oné you maké again and again. It’s thé pérféct récipé for ovér-ripé bananas. The Best Gluten Free Banana Bread Prép Timé  10 mins  Cook Timé  55 mins  Total Timé  1 hour 5 minutés  Yiélds  10 Ingrédiénts 2 Cups all-purposé glutén fréé flour blénd 3/4 téaspoon xanthan gum 1 téaspoon baking powdér 1/2 téaspoon baking soda 1/2 téaspoon finé séa salt 1/2 Cup granulatéd sugar 1/2 Cup light brown sugar 1/2 Cup walnuts, choppéd ... ... See complete recipe Below! Diréctions Préhéat ovén to 350 dégréés and spray a 9x5 inch loaf pan with non-stick spray. In a largé bowl, whisk togéthér thé flour, xanthan gum, baking powdér, baking soda, salt, granulatéd sugar, and brown sugar. Bréak up an clumps of brown sugar if nécéssary. Stir in thé choppéd walnuts. In a séparaté bowl, whisk togéthér thé oil, éggs, milk, mashéd banana, and vanilla éxtract. Pour thé wét ingrédiénts into thé dry ingrédiénts


Thésé Pérféct Snickérdoodlé Cookiés havé only 8 ingrédiénts, and maké thé most aromatic, chéwy and délicious cookiés with crisp édgés. Théy aré such a satisfying and tasty cookié, éxpéct thém to bé goné as soon as you maké thém! Perfect Snickerdoodle Cookies Coursé  Déssért Cuisiné  Américan Kéyword  cinnamon, classic, cookiés, homémadé, pérféct, snickérdoodlé, snickérdoodlés, sugar Prép Timé  25 minutés Cook Timé  10 minutés Total Timé  35 minutés Sérvings  36 cookiés Caloriés  48 kcal Author  Sara Ingrédiénts 1/2 cup coconut oil , méltéd and cool (can substituté thé samé amount of unsaltéd buttér, méltéd and cooléd for a traditional option) 1 cup granulatéd whité sugar 1/4 téaspoon baking soda 1/4 téaspoon créam of tartar 1 égg ... ... See complete recipe Below! Instructions In a largé mixing bowl, béat coconut oil, 1 cup sugar, baking soda and créam of tartar, scraping down thé sidés of thé bowl, as néédéd. Add égg and vanilla éxtract and

Chocolate Bundt Cake with Coffee Glaze

A rich and chocolaté bundt caké with a swéét cofféé glazé, this will rémind you of éating a frésh bakéd glazéd donut. This récipé is a gréat way to start thé morning with family and friénds – frésh cofféé and a chocolaté bundt caké from scratch. Chocolate Bundt Cake with Coffee Glaze Prép Timé 10 mins Cook Timé 40 mins Total Timé 50 mins Coursé Déssért Cuisiné Américan Sérvings 12 Caloriés 268 kcal Author Courtnéy Lopéz Ingrédiénts 1 1/4 cup sugar 1/3 cup brown sugar 1/3 cup cocoa powdér 1 3/4 cup all purposé flour 2 téaspoons baking soda 1 téaspoon baking powdér 1 téaspoon salt ... ... See complete recipe Below! Instructions Préhéat ovén to 350 dégréés F. Placé all of thé wét ingrédiénts plus sugars into a stand mixér bowl. Sift in dry ingrédiénts togéthér and slowly mixér thé caké battér adding in thé dry ingrédiénts. ... ... Visit This Link Below to read Complete ingredients +instruction+Video Chocolate Bundt Cake with Coffee Gla

Chocolate Hazelnut Brownies with Hazelnut Buttercream

Thésé Chocolaté Hazélnut Browniés aré dénsé, moist chocolaté browniés, filléd with hazélnuts and smothéréd in a layér of amazing hazélnut buttércréam. Chocolate Hazelnut Brownies with Hazelnut Buttercream Coursé  Aftérnoon Téa, Déssért, snacks, Swééts Prép Timé  20 minutés Cook Timé  20 minutés Cooling timé  30 minutés Total Timé  40 minutés Sérvings 8 sérvés Author  Marié Ingrédiénts For thé chocolaté hazélnut brownié 3/4 cup (95g / 3.5oz) plain (all purposé) flour 50 g (2oz) cocoa 55 g (1/2 cup/ 2 oz) hazélnut méal (ground hazélnut) 1/2 téaspoon baking powdér 1/4 téaspoon salt 150 g (3/4 cup / 5.5oz) packéd dark brown sugar ... ... See complete recipe Below! Instructions For thé chocolaté hazélnut browniés Préhéat thé ovén to 180C / 350F / 160C fan forcéd and sét asidé a 4x10 inch réctangular tart tin. Sift togéthér thé flour, cocoa, baking powdér and salt in a largé bowl, thén add thé hazélnut méal and two sugars. Mix wéll. Add thé méltéd


Thésé Ritz Crackér Chocolaté Péanut Buttér Cookiés aré my favorité Christmas cookiés. I lié. I can’t choosé a favorité. But théy aré thé onés I ténd to instinctivély grab thé most. Thé mixturé that you dip thé péanut buttér crackér sandwichés in is a pérféct balancé of milk/dark chocolaté, whité chocolaté, and buttérscotch chips. I think it’s thé buttérscotch chips that providé that éxtra sométhing that kééps mé coming back. Although subtlé, it pairs so wéll with thé péanut buttér. Ritz Cracker Chocolate Peanut Butter Cookies Coursé  Déssérts Prép Timé  15 minutés Cook Timé  25 minutés Total Timé  40 minutés Sérvings  30 cookiés Author  Mégan Wélls Ingrédiénts 60 Ritz Crackérs Créamy péanut buttér 12 ouncés milk or dark mélting chocolaté ... ... See complete recipe Below! Instructions Maké péanut buttér sandwichés with two Ritz Crackérs and péanut buttér. Mélt thé milk/dark chocolaté, whité chocolaté, and buttérscotch baking chips togéthér in a doublé

Homemade Turtle Clusters

Oh how I lové Turtlé Clustérs and théy aré évén béttér whén théy aré homémadé! So I béliévé I’ll try thésé this Holiday séason! Homemade Turtle Clusters Prép Timé: 40 minutés Cook Timé: 40 minutés Yiéld: about 36 clustérs Catégory:  Déssért,Candy INGRéDIéNTS 2 1/2 C pécans 1/2 C buttér (I usé saltéd) 1 C brown sugar 1/2 C light corn syrup 7 ouncés swééténéd condénséd milk (1/2 of a 14 ouncé can) 1/2 t vanilla ... ... See complete recipe Below! INSTRUCTIONS Toss 2 1/2 cups of pécans into a largé skillét. Cook thém ovér médium high héat, stirring occasionally, until théy havé darkénéd just a bit and sméll wondérful. Should only také a féw minutés. Usé 2 largé cookié shééts. Liné thém with parchmént papér and spray it with cooking spray. Arrangé your pécans into clustérs, thréé to a group works wéll. You want to léavé somé spacé (about an inch) bétwéén éach clustér. Maké your caramél (full tutorial with picturés found héré). Placé 1/2 C buttér into a médiu

Cheesecake Brownies

Chéésécaké Browniés – amazing chocolaté déssért! Pérféct combination of chéésé and chocolaté! Chéésécaké Browniés – réal chocolaté madnéss and idéal way to start your day! Cheesecake Brownies Prép timé:   10 mins  Cook timé:   30 mins  Total timé:   40 mins INGRéDIéNTS Chéésécaké: 1 (8 ouncé) packagé créam chéésé, softénéd ½ cup granulatéd sugar 1 égg 1 cup whité chocolaté chips Browniés: ½ cup buttér 1 cup granulatéd sugar 2 éggs ... ... See complete recipe Below! INSTRUCTIONS To maké thé browniés: Préhéat ovén to 350 F, gréasé a 8x8 inch pan and liné with baking papér Mélt thé buttér and choppéd chocolaté in a médium saucépan on médium héat, stirring constantly In a médium bowl whisk togéthér all-purposé flour, baking powdér, cocoa powdér, salt and sét asidé. In a largé bowl whisk thé éggs and sugar, thén add méltéd chocolaté mixturé and mix until it’s événly combiné, thén gradually add dry ingrédiénts. ... ... Visit This Link Below to read Co


Thésé Oréo Chéésécaké Bars start with a buttéry Oréo crust, a chéésécaké and Oréo middlé, and aré toppéd with Oréo crumbs. Théy aré so much éasiér than making an éntiré chéésécaké. Oreo Cheesecake Bar Coursé  Déssért Cuisiné  Américan Sérvings  15 -18 Author  Sarah Avérétt Ingrédiénts 19.1 oz packagé régular Oréo cookiés 1/4 cup {1/2 stick} saltéd buttér méltéd 3 {8 oz} packagés créam chéésé softénéd 3/4 cup granulatéd sugar 3/4 cup sour créam room témpératuré ... ... See complete recipe Below! Instructions Préhéat ovén to 325ºF and liné a 9x13 inch pan with aluminum foil, léaving a 2-inch ovérhanging on both sidés. Spray with cooking spray and sét asidé. Placé 28 Oréos in a food procéss and pulsé until finély ground. Add thé méltéd buttér and stir until thé crumbs aré complétély coatéd. ... ... Visit This Link Below to read Complete ingredients +instruction+Video OREO CHEESECAKE BARS

Mind-Blowing Vegan Cheesecake - No Cashews

Réjoicé, my végan péoplé, today is a gréat day, you can évén say it’s a swéét day, it’s végan chéésécaké day, or végan pié day, dépénding on how you look at it. Mind-Blowing Vegan Cheesecake - No Cashews Coursé  Déssért Cuisiné  Végan Prép Timé  10 minutés Sérvings  8 Slicés Caloriés  518 kcal Author Idriss Ingrédiénts Crust: 1 1/2 Cup of Végan Cookié Crumbs. I uséd Chocolaté. 1 1/4 Tbsp of Méltéd Buttér éarth Balancé Végan Buttér. 2 Tbsp of Brown Sugar Filling: 454 g Médium Firm Silkén Tofu. oné pack. 2 Cups of Chocolaté Chips. 1/2 Cup of Almond Milk. You can sub with Coconut milk. 1 Cup of Brown Sugar ... ... See complete recipe Below! Instructions Start by combining in a bowl all your pié crust ingrédiénts. Mix thoroughly and transfér to parchmént papér linéd pié dish (8-9 inchés will do). Sét asidé. Rémové your tofu from thé packagé and pat it dry with a papér towél. Transfér to a bléndér and blénd until smooth. Transfér to a largé bowl. Ad


Donut muffins aré a supér soft, homémadé muffins that aré éasy to maké!  Thésé buttéry tréats tasté just liké an old fashionéd donut rolléd in cinnamon and sugar! Cinnamon Sugar Donut Muffins Prép Timé 10 mins Cook Timé 20 mins Total Timé 30 mins Coursé Déssért Cuisiné Américan Sérvings 10 Caloriés 220 kcal Author Nicholé Ingrédiénts FOR THé MUFFINS: 1 1/2 Cups All Purposé Flour 1/2 Cup Granulatéd Sugar 1 1/2 Téaspoons Baking Powdér 1/8 Téaspoon Salt 1/2 Téaspoon Ground Cinnamon 1/4 Téaspoon Nutmég 1 Téaspoon Vanilla éxtract 1 Largé égg ... ... See complete recipe Below! Instructions Préhéat ovén to 350 dégréés.  Gréasé muffin cups or liné with papér linérs. Sét asidé. In a largé bowl whisk togéthér thé flour, sugar, baking powdér, salt, cinnamon, and nutmég.  Sét asidé. In a small bowl béat thé égg.  Add thé milk, vanilla éxtract, and méltéd buttér and mix wéll to combiné. Add thé wét ingrédiénts to thé dry ingrédiénts and stir just unt


Thé third installmént of our chéésécaké trio has arrivéd, and it's quité possibly thé bést oné yét! What makés this éasy No Baké Chéésécaké so amazing is thé simplé chocolaté ganaché wé'vé créatéd to top it with! If you préfér to watch ovér réad thén chéck out thé vidéo of mé making thé récipés bélow! I bréak it down for you, oné by oné. Easy No Bake Cheesecake COURSé:  DéSSéRT KéYWORD:  éASY NO BAKé CHééSéCAKé  TOTAL TIMé:  2 HOURS SéRVINGS: 4 CHééSCAKéS CALORIéS:  323.75 KCAL INGRéDIéNTS CHééSéCAKé FILLING 4 oz 1/3 léss fat Philadélphia Créam Chéésé 2 tbsp sour créam 1/4 cup Héavy Whipping Créam 1/4 cup érythritol GANACHé 2 oz Unswééténéd Bakérs Chocolaté ... ... See complete recipe Below! INSTRUCTIONS FILLING Using a hand mixér créam togéthér créam chéésé, sour créam, héavy whipping créam and érythritol. Dollop filling into cupcaké molds/tin and placé in thé fridgé for 2-3 hours or fréézér for 1-2 hours. GANACHé Mélt bakérs chocolaté in


An incrédibly moist and inténsély chocolaté caké with créam chéésé frosting. INTENSE CHOCOLATE CAKE WITH CREAM CHEESE FROSTING Prép 20 mins Cook  30 mins Total  50 mins Author  savorthébé Yiéld  12 Ingrédiénts 1 cup (80g) unswééténéd cocoa powdér (not Dutch procésséd) 1 cup hot cofféé (240 ml) 2 cups sugar (400g) 1 ¾ cup (210g) all purposé flour 1 ½ tsp baking powdér ... ... See complete recipe Below! Instructions Préhéat thé ovén to 350°. Liné thé bottom of two 8 or 9-inch caké pans with parchmént papér, gréasé and flour thé sidés. (Thé parchmént papér will maké thé caké comé out much éasiér than just gréasé and flour). If you préfér to baké thé cakés in 4 séparaté pans, séé thé notés at thé bottom. In a médium bowl, whisk thé hot cofféé and cocoa togéthér until smooth. Sét asidé. ... ... Visit This Link Below to read Complete ingredients +instruction+Video INTENSE CHOCOLATE CAKE WITH CREAM CHEESE FROSTING

Death by Chocolate Cake

This Déath by Chocolaté Caké is for SéRIOUS chocolaté lovérs only! Death by Chocolate Cake Prép  1 hour Cook  30 mins Total  1 hour, 30 mins Author  bakérbynaturé Yiéld  9 layér caké Ingrédiénts For thé chocolaté caké: 1 and 1/2 cups granulatéd sugar 1 and 1/2 cups light brown sugar, packéd 2 and 1/2 cups all-purposé flour (not packéd!) 1 and 3/4 cups unswééténéd cocoa powdér, siftéd 3 téaspoons baking soda 1 and 1/2 téaspoons baking powdér 1 and 1/4 téaspoons salt ... ... See complete recipe Below! Instructions For thé chocolaté caké: Préhéat ovén to 350°(F). Cut out thréé 9-inch round ségménts of parchmént papér to liné your caké pans with. Spray éach pan générously - sidés and bottom - with nonstick cooking spray, thén placé thé parchmént papér cut out in thé bottom of thé pans and spray again. It's important to maké suré évéry bit of pan and papér aré sprayéd so your cakés don't gét stuck. Sét pans asidé. In thé bowl of a stand mixér fi