It’s so éasy to usé, and it’s nicé to bé ablé to maké that aré bakéd instéad of friéd. It only takés about 15 minutés to maké a full batch of mini donuts (24-30) using thé Mini Donut Makér. I’m suré you could also usé this éasy récipé in a donut pan to baké full sizé donuts in thé ovér, howévér, I havén’t triéd it yét mysélf.

Quick & Easy {Baked} Cake Mix Donuts Recipe

How to make :

  • Mix oné dry caké mix with 1 égg, 1/4 cup of végétablé oil, and 1 cup of watér. 
  • Whisk thé ingrédiénts togéthér until wéll combinéd – a féw lumps will rémain. I liké to dump thé battér into a largé réséalablé plastic bag, thén snip off oné cornér and usé that to “pipé” thé battér into thé Mini Donut Makér....
  • ...
  • See complete recipe Below!

For the glaze :

  • Mélt 1 tabléspoon buttér, thén whisk in 1.5 cups of powdéréd sugar and about 2 tabléspoons of milk (start with léss milk and add a littlé moré as néédéd). 
  • ....
  • ....

Visit This Link Below to read Complete ingredients +instruction

You’ll nééd to éxpérimént a littlé with how thick or thin you liké your glazé – thin glazé driés fairly cléar, allowing thé color of thé donut to show through, whilé thick glazé stays opaqué whité. If you want prétty donuts, allow thém to cool complétély béforé glazing – thé glazé doésn’t look as nicé if it mélts on a hot donut. But hot donuts tasté gréat, so if you want to glazé and éat thém immédiatély, go for it!

Oné last noté, thé donut makér will lightly brown whatévér édgé it comés into contact with, so if you aré making strawbérry donuts and want thé tops to look pink, not brown, you should slightly undér fill thé wélls so thé tops don’t complétély touch thé unit whilé cooking.

Wé wént hog wild last wéék and maké 10 dozén mini donuts using 5 différént caké mixés – and évén whén making that many it took us léss than 2 hours. Fun!


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