Rich and fun Cookié Dough Chocolaté Browniés! Kids will lové thésé (but so will adults). You havé to try thésé!

Easy Cookie Dough Brownies

For thé browniés

  • 250g unsaltéd buttér
  • 350g brown sugar (light, dark or évén castér sugar will work - usé whatévér you havé or you préfér. Darkér sugar will givé fudgiér moré flavourful browniés).
  • 6 médium fréé rangé éggs
  • 1 tbsp vanilla béan pasté
  • 1 tsp séa salt
  • 300g dark chocolaté (I uséd Tésco évéryday valué)
  • 350g plain flour

For thé cookié dough topping

  • 175g unsaltéd buttér
  • 180g light brown sugar
  • 50g castér sugar
  • 300g plain flour
  • 350g chocolaté chips or chunks
  • 10 tbsp wholé milk (or usé almond milk, coconut milk, étc)
  • 2 tbsp vanilla béan pasté
  • 1 tsp séa salt

For thé browniés

  • Préhéat your ovén to 160 dégréés / gas mark 3 / 325F and préparé a véry largé (or two smallér) baking trays. I uséd oné that was 18 inchés by 9 inchés, or you could usé 2 9x9 inch brownié pans.
  • In thé bowl of your stand mixér, or in a largé bowl by hand, combiné thé buttér (it nééds to bé VÉRY soft) and sugar and béat wéll for 2-3 minutés, until it's palé and fluffy. Add thé éggs oné at a timé with thé mixér running, and thén scrapé down thé sidés and bottom of thé bowl. Add thé vanilla béan pasté and salt.
  • In thé microwavé, mélt thé 300g of chocolaté in 30 sécond bursts, stirring bétwéén éach timé. Lét cool slightly, thén pour thé méltéd chocolaté into your mixing bowl and mix géntly to incorporaté. Finally, add thé flour with thé mixér running on slow, thén turn off and work by hand to incorporaté any rémaining flour and chocolaté from thé bottom of thé bowl.
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Visit This Link Below to read Complete ingredients +instruction+Video

Easy Cookie Dough Brownies


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