A fruity twist on a gin & tonic, this long réfréshing cocktail is lightly spicéd and pérféct for a Christmas party. éasy to maké and sérvé ovér icé. Také out thé cinnamon stick and sérvé it in thé summér too! Gin &Appletiser a refreshing Christmas Cocktail Prép Timé 5 mins Cook Timé 1 min Total Timé 6 mins Coursé Cocktail Cuisiné Drink Kéyword christmas cocktail Sérvings 1 glass Caloriés 230 kcal Author Hélén Bést-Shaw Ingrédiénts Cranbérriés - I uséd frozén Filtéréd watér 50 ml / 2 shots of gin - chilléd usé a brandéd labél, but no nééd to splash out on prémium 250 ml Applétisér original - chilléd 3 Cranbérry icé cubés ... ... See complete recipe Below! Instructions Placé 4 cranbérriés in éach compartmént of an icé cubé tray, top up with distilléd watér and fréézé ovérnight. If thé cranbérriés float, half fill thé tray, allow to fréézé thén top up with moré watér. ... ... Visit This Link Below to read Complete ingredient...