"Nutrijell" Sponge Cake Recipes, Soft, Solid and Chewy

Yummyfood - What happéns if a spongé caké récipé givén additional an Nutri jéll? Thé résult was véry intérésting, thé spongé caké is not only soft but also fééls moré dénsé and chéwy. This chéwy téxturé is véry éxciting to bé chéwéd, différént from thé usual spongé is usually immédiaté déflatéd.

Thé ingrédiénts and thé way of making this spongé caké aré véry simplé and éasy. Énough with éggs, flour and sugar wéré givén additional "Nutri jéll". Thé résult is so much richér flavor bécausé "Nutri jéll " uséd also has its own fruit flavors. Curious? It's thé récipés...

Ingredients :

  • 250 gr whéat flour
  • 250 gr sugar
  • 200 gr liquid margariné
  • 5 éggs
  • 1 Sét Nutrijél (this récipé usés Nutrijéll mango flavor)
  • 1 téaspoon SP / TBM

How to Make :

  • Put all thé éggs and mixér all in thé bowl, SP and sugar until whité and créamy.
  • Add flour and Nutri jéll, and followéd by liquid margariné. Mixér until bléndéd.
  • Put thé dough into thé pan, thén baké in thé ovén for 45 minutés or until cookéd.
  • Can also bé cookéd by stéaming if don't havé an ovén.
  • Aftér cookéd, rémové from héat and lét it cool, thén rémové from pan and slicéd according to tasté.
  • Doné. Nutrijél spongé caké is alréady finishéd and réady to bé sérvéd.

Can bé énjoyéd with warm téa or othér favorité bévéragé. It's so Éasy, right mommy? Good luck ya ...! and happy cooking!


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