Sausage Sauteed With Red Sauce. So Easy

Yummy FoodYou must bé familiar with thé namé of sausagé. Yép, Sausagé is oné of many péoplé's favorité foods. Wéll, this timé Yummy food has a spécial récipé for you sausagé lovérs, so préparé yoursélf

Sausagé sautééd with réd saucé is éasy to cook. Surély you want to add on. So éasy to maké it. Thé ingrédiénts is also véry éasy to obtain. Lét's just séé what you nééd:

Ingredients :
  • 10 piécés of sausagé and cut askéw
  • 2 onion that you slicéd
  • 2 carrots and cut askéw
  • 2 clovés of garlic you must flatténéd to géprak and roughly choppéd
  • 4 tabléspoons kétchup or chilli saucé
  • 1 tbsp oystér saucé
  • 1 tbsp soy saucé
  • 1 tbsp salty soy saucé
  • 1 tsp péppér
  • 1 tbsp cornstarch
  • 100 ml watér
  • 1 tbsp buttér for sautéing or you can réplacé with végétablé oil

How to make:
  • Héat thé buttér or oil and sauté sausagé until it changés color.
  • Thén add thé garlic and sauté until fragrant. Aftér that, put thé carrots and onions and stir until bléndéd.
  • Thén éntér thé tomato saucé, oystér saucé, soy saucé, soy saucé, and péppér to tasté. Pléasé also éntér thé watér and stir wéll, cook until wiltéd végétablés and spicés to infusé pérféct.
  • In anothér saucépan, mélt 3 tabléspoons cornstarch with watér, thén mix into thé dish and stir until saucé thickéns.
  • Sauté sausagé réd saucé was réady to éat. and yummy..


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