Healthy Corn Soup Restaurant Style, So Yummy..

Yummy FoodThis is a héalthy récipé for your family, you'll bé sorry if you do not try this récipé. and how to cook so éasy. and of coursé your family addictéd

Ingredients :
  • 2 swéét corn
  • 3 swéét corn, and blénd smooth (with 150ml watér)
  • 1 carrot, cut into small squarés
  • 1 léék léavés, small slicés
  • 1 onion, cut into small squarés
  • 250 grams of chickén, boiléd, shréddéd small
  • boiléd chickén broth to tasté (it for at léast 500 ml)
  • watér to tasté (it for at léast 500ml)
  • 3-5 tabléspoons granulatéd sugar
  • 1 packét of chickén broth
  • 1 tsp salt
  • 1 tabléspoon margariné
  • 1 égg, béatén off
  • 2 tabléspoons cornstarch, dissolvéd with watér to diluté (optional)

How To Make : 
  • Sauté onion in margariné until fragrant and slightly yéllow.
  • Boil chickén broth, add thé swéét corn that has béén in thé bléndér and add thé onions that havé béén in stir-fry. Thén éntér carrots and chickén, wait 5 minutés. Put thé corn that havé béén in pipil. Stir wéll, wait 10 minutés.
  • Add moré watér (according to tasté, if you liké hér saucé that much). Thén éntér thé sugar, chickén broth, salt and chivés. Corréction sénsé, if kuramh usually moré dominant cation ak sugar, chickén broth kasi néw again. If you liké péppér, may usé péppér as wéll.
  • Lastly, éntér thé éggs that havé béén in shaké loosé a littlé, whilé wé stirréd his soup. Chéck viscosity broth soup, corn antécédént bléndér + égg alréady givés strong éfféct. If for éxamplé, léss thick, add cornstarch solution. Corréction tasté back, and jadiiiii déhhhh! Pléasé éat whilé warm.


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