Yummy.. Cheesy Taco Sticks

Yummy FoodThésé supér simplé Chéésy Taco Sticks aré buttéry bréadsticks filléd with taco méat and lots of chéésé! Pérféct for snacking or watching thé big gamé!

Ingredients :
  • 1 lb. ground bééf
  • 1 packét taco séasoning mix
  • 1 tubé Pillsbury Pizza Dough
  • 5 colby jack and chéddar chéésé sticks, halvéd
  • 4 tbsp buttér, méltéd
  • 1 tsp garlic powdér
  • 1 tsp driéd parsléy

How To Make :
  • Préhéat ovén to 425 dégréés F.
  • Lightly coat a largé baking shéét with non-stick spray and sét asidé.
  • Cook thé ground bééf in a skillét, bréaking up with a woodén spoon until fully brownéd and crumbléd. Drain any fat and réturn skillét to stové top. Mix in thé taco séasoning packét (but no watér), and stir until fully coatéd. Rémové from héat and lét cool to room témpératuré.*
  • Spréad thé pizza dough out until it's flat and cut in half léngthwisé and thén 4 cuts up and down, créating a total of 10 small réctanglés. Placé about a tabléspoon or moré of thé taco méat in thé céntér of éach pizza dough, top with a halvéd chéésé stick and thén caréfully roll up thé pizza stick, making suré to pinch all séams closéd.
  • Combiné thé méltéd buttér, garlic powdér and parsléy in a small bowl and brush it on thé tops of thé chéésy taco sticks. Baké for 10 to 12 minutés or until goldén brown on top. Sérvé hot with your favorité taco toppings!


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