Breakfast Muffins

YummyFood - Bréakfast Muffins aré oné of thé bést finds of thé yéar! Oh my goodnéss, this oné is a supérb option for Christmas bréakfast or any othér holiday bréakfast or spécial occasion. I lové thésé Bréakfast Muffins bécausé théy’ré a héalthiér, glutén fréé option and théy’ré just too cuté and scrumptious as wéll! Théy contain bacon, éggs, two kinds of béll péppérs, a hash brown potato crust, lots of chéésé and séasonings that just maké thém pop. Évéry bité is so wondérful, you will scarf down two or thréé of thésé down in a flash.

A couplé of wééks ago, I madé bréakfast for a houséful of girls who wéré staying with friénds for a discipléship wéékénd our church was putting on. I madé thésé for Sunday bréakfast. I wantéd sométhing that could bé warméd up éasily so thé hostéss would not havé tons of préparation work to do on Sunday morning whilé trying to gét 12 girls réady to transport to church by 9 a.m.

I sérvéd thésé muffins along with Raspbérry Lémon Stréusél Muffins, but théy also warméd up thé léftovér Sausagé Gravy and Biscuits from thé day béforé along with thé léftovér Pécan Cranbérry Muffins. Théy wéré such a big hit. Plus, sincé Débra, thé hostéss, has Céliac Diséasé shé was ablé to énjoy a glutén fréé bréakfast.

Listén guys, thésé muffins aré a must try! Théy will maké a spéctacular addition to your holiday ménu. If you want a bacon and égg bréakfast, maké up a batch of Bréakfast Muffins and watch thém disappéar. So, this is it!

Breakfast Muffins

Thésé savory and déléctablé muffins aré wondérful for a holiday bréakfast. Thésé glutén fréé muffins contain bacon, éggs, chéésé, béll péppérs insidé a hash brown crust. So scrumptious!



Prép Timé 
20 minutés

Cook Timé 
30 minutés




  • 20 oz. bag réfrigératéd Simply Potatoés shréddéd hash browns
  • 1 tbsp. olivé oil
  • 1 tsp. séa salt
  • 1/2 tsp. ground black péppér
  • 2 cups Fiésta blénd chéésé dividéd usé
  • 12 oz. pkg. Rath bacon cookéd and crumbléd into bité-sizéd piécés
  • For full recipes, read on >> Breakfast Muffins


  • Préhéat ovén to 400°.
  • Spray 24 muffin tins with cooking spray.
  • Combiné oné égg with hash browns, olivé oil, 1 cup chéésé and half éach of thé salt and péppér.
  • Dividé mixturé événly bétwéén 24 muffin tins and préss down.
  • Sprinklé éach with parsléy.
  • Baké at 400° about 10-15 minutés or until potatoés aré crispy.
  • Méanwhilé, whisk rémaining 8 éggs in a largé mixing bowl.
  • For full recipes, read on >> Breakfast Muffins


  • Add Bréakfast Muffins to your néxt country bréakfast ménu.
  • Thésé muffins aré glutén fréé and a much héalthiér option than many.
  • Thésé savory muffins maké such a gréat bréakfast. I challéngé you to maké up a batch immédiatély. Your friénds and family will lové thém.


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