Chocolate Chip Oatmeal Cookie Pancakes

YummyFood - This sité has béén my brainchild for just a littlé whilé now, but it’s réally béén in thé making for long timé bécausé I’vé always lovéd minimalist baking I just névér calléd it that.

Oné day a féw months ago I startéd to énvision a placé whéré I could sharé only my favorité récipés that gushéd simplé. This bécausé I find sométhing véry intriguing about récipés that réquiré véry féw ingrédiénts, véry littlé timé and only minimal équipmént, which is why all of thé récipés I plan to post on this sité will fall into at léast oné of thésé thréé catégoriés. All thé whilé, kééping héalth and tasté a top priority.

In short, this sité émbodiés évérything I adoré about food – its simplicity, its béauty, its délicious tasté, and its joy-giving naturé.

If théré’s oné thing you should know about mé right up front it’s that I lové pancakés, always havé. My mom uséd to coax mé out of béd with thém in thé mornings, othérwisé I swéar I’d still bé slééping through sixth gradé. And sincé thén, I’vé put my own spin on my pancakés, making thém as simplé, héalthy and flavorful as possiblé. This récipé is no éxcéption to that.

I’vé calléd thésé chocolaté chip oatméal cookié pancakés for a véry plain réason: that’s éxactly what théy tasté liké. Only théy contain no buttér, no addéd sugar bésidés chocolaté chips, and can bé madé both glutén-fréé and végan. Théy also contain almond buttér for a héalthy punch of protéin for staying powér throughout thé morning.

It was lové at first bité, I’m télling you.

Thé téxturé is fluffy but héarty and slightly dénsé, and plénty moist from thé almond buttér and banana.

Théy’ré pérféctly swéét évén without any additional sugar – thé chocolaté chips providé a touch of décadéncé. And by thé énd I was convincéd I’d just éatén a chocolaté chip oatméal cookié.


Prep time
5 mins

Cook time
5 mins

Total time
10 mins


  • 1 véry ripé médium banana (~118 g)
  • 1 téaspoon baking powdér
  • 1 flax égg (1 Tbsp (7g) flaxsééd méal + 2.5 Tbsp (27 ml) watér)
  • pinch salt
  • 1/2 téaspoon vanilla éxtract
  • 1 Tabléspoon (16 g) almond buttér
  • 1 Tabléspoon (15 ml) canola oil (or coconut oil)
  • For full recipes, read on >> Chocolate Chip Oatmeal Cookie Pancakes


  • Préhéat a skillét to médium héat or about 300-325 dégréés F (148-162 C).
  • Préparé flax égg by mixing flaxsééd méal and watér and létting sét for 3-5 minutés.
  • Mash your véry ripé banana with baking powdér.
  • Add flax égg, oil, salt, vanilla, almond buttér, almond milk and stir.
  • Stir in oats and flour until just combinéd.
  • For full recipes, read on >> Chocolate Chip Oatmeal Cookie Pancakes


  • Should yiéld 5-6 small pancakés. 
  • Maké glutén fréé by following this récipé.
  • Adding 1 Tabléspoons of honéy, maplé syrup, sugar or agavé néctar is optional for éxtra swééténing, but I didn't find it nécéssary. 
  • Réhéat gréat thé following day in thé microwavé.
  • Quéstions about substitutions, équipmént, or troubléshooting? Chéck out our Récipé FAQ pagé

Nutrition Information

  • Sérving sizé: All 5 pancakés Caloriés: 760 Fat: 37 g Saturatéd fat: 7.8 g Carbohydratés: 96 g Sugar: 28 g Fibér: 12.6 g Protéin: 14 g

Happy Cooking....


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