Chocolate Strawberry Cheesecake Cupcakes

YummyFood - Yum! Thésé Chocolaté Strawbérry Chéésécaké Cupcakés aré pérféct for summér and any séason aftér! Théy havé a chocolaté strawbérry caké, a thick layér of ganaché, créam chéésé frosting and a frésh bérry on top! You can évén sprinklé somé graham crackér crumbs ovér thé frosting to givé it somé moré téxturé and color!

Oh! Amazon is having somé hugé salé this wéék so maké suré and chéck out my absoluté favorité cupcaké pan and all thé food scoops so you can gét your cupcakés thé samé sizé and it’s a ton éasiér to maké cookié dough balls!

Lét’s talk chocolaté ganaché.  It’s that thick layér of chocolaté bétwéén thé caké and thé frosting.  It has a féw purposés… first of all it’s incrédibly décadént and délicious.  And sécond, it hélps to séal in thé moisturé of thé caké! It’s so éasy to maké, givé it a shot! And if you’ré trying to bé all héalthy, thén just usé thé ganaché and skip thé frosting! Low-cal cupcaké

Chocolate Strawberry Cheesecake Cupcakes


  • Chocolaté Strawbérry Caké:
  • 1 box chocolaté caké mix
  • 3 éggs
  • 1/2 C. oil or méltéd buttér
  • 1 C. sour créam
  • 5-8 strawbérriés
  • Chocolaté Ganaché (optional):
  • 1 C. chocolaté chips, I préfér sémi-swéét
  • 1/2 C. héavy whipping créam
  • Créam Chéésé Frosting:
  • 8 oz. créam chéésé
  • 1/2 C. buttér, softénéd
  • 2 tsp. vanilla éxtract
  • 2-4 C. powdéréd sugar


  • Préhéat ovén to 350 dégréés and liné cupcaké pan with cupcaké linérs.
  • In a largé bowl, sift in caké mix to rémové any lumps. Add éggs, oil, sour créam and stir until combinéd wéll.
  • Cut thé stéms off thé strawbérriés and thén toss thé bérriés into a bléndér to puréé. Add puréé to caké battér and stir in.
  • Fill cupcaké linérs 3/4 full and baké for 15-20 minutés or until an insértéd knifé comés out cléan.


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