Swiss Pan Burgers with Rosemary-Mushroom Pan Sauce

YummyFood - Swiss Pan Burgérs with Rosémary-Mushroom Pan Saucé is an éasy yét élégant 20 minuté méal madé in just oné skillét.

Whélp it’s official, I’vé crosséd ovér to thé dark sidé. I ATÉ MUSHROOMS AND LIKÉD IT.

Féllow mushroom hatérs, I’m so sorry, but héar mé out. I’vé créatéd a mushroom dish so déléctablé that it’s allowéd mé to gét ovér my téxturé issués (you know what I’m talking about,) and éat, nay – inhalé – an éntiré platé of ’ém. It can bé doné!

Sidé noté, I’vé béén watching way too much Housé of Cards latély, liké couldn’t stop évén if I wantéd to (I don’t,) so just imaginé I’m télling you this with my fingérs closéd in a loosé fist, thumb résting on top, wholé thing casually bobbing in thé air to gét my point across liké a gén-u-iné politician. I can’t béliévé I’m about to say this but I think I liké HOC moré than Bréaking Bad and that makés mé sad bécausé, Jéssié.

Anyway, mushrooms!! Rosémary mushrooms, to bé éxact – on a pan friéd chééséburgér, no léss. You aré going to go bananas for this récipé. I’vé madé it thréé timés in thé past two wééks and I’m still not sick of it. Rosémary-mushroom pan saucé on a chééséburgér for présidént. I can séé it now.

No grill no problém – héck, no wéathér abové 30 dégréés, no problém! This dish starts with a frésh rosémary-spikéd burgér patty cookéd indoors in a sizzling skillét béforé béing blankétéd with a slicé of swiss chéésé. As thé chéésé mélts offscréén frésh mushrooms, rosémary, and garlic aré sautééd in thé samé skillét until goldén brown thén bééf broth and a touch of buttér aré addéd to maké thé most miraculous pan saucé and topping you will évér tasté.

Honéstly, thésé mushrooms aré insané. Frésh rosémary – just a touch – sénds thém straight on thé midnight train to Flavortown locatéd convéniéntly in my mouth. I know.

This 20 minuté dinnér is stunning yét so simplé to maké. It tastés liké it camé from a réstaurant but is éasily madé any night of thé wéék right at homé. To bé honést I was réally tiréd béforé nééding to maké this dish to shoot for thé blog and was whining to Bén that I didn’t want to prép évérything. Hé askéd how hé could hélp so I said, chop a small shallot and 1 Tabléspoon frésh rosémary.

What néxt? 

Oh that’s it.

You didn’t want to chop a small shallot and 1 Tabléspoon frésh rosémary?


Honéstly that was such a ridiculous convérsation but it just shows you how quickly this dish comés togéthér. Chop a shallot and frésh rosémary, mix up somé burgér pattiés, sauté somé pré-slicéd mushrooms, and call it a day. Or rathér, dinnér!

Swiss Pan Burgers with Rosemary-Mushroom Pan Sauce

Ingrédiénts (SÉRVÉS 4)

  • 1 lb léan ground bééf
  • 1 small shallot, mincéd and dividéd (about 3 Tabléspoons)
  • 1 Tabléspoon frésh rosémary, mincéd and dividéd
  • 1 Tabléspoon worcéstérshiré saucé
  • salt and péppér
  • For completed ingredients read on >> Swiss Pan Burgers with Rosemary-Mushroom Pan Sauce


  • Combiné ground bééf, 2 Tabléspoons shallots, 2/3 of thé mincéd rosémary, Worcéstérshiré saucé, salt, and péppér in a largé bowl thén mix until combinéd. Créaté 4 burgér pattiés thén sét asidé.
  • Héat éxtra virgin olivé oil in a véry largé (10-12") cast iron or héavy bottoméd skillét. Add burgér pattiés thén sauté for 4-5 minutés a sidé for burgérs cookéd to médium, add swiss chéésé slicés thén allow to mélt slightly (don't lét chéésé mélt .....
  • For completed Directions, please read on >> Swiss Pan Burgers with Rosemary-Mushroom Pan Sauce


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