Chocolate Blackout Doughnuts

Thésé doughnuts aré chocolaté ovérload! Chocolaté doughnuts, filléd with chocolaté pastry créam, toppéd with a chocolaté glazé and chocolaté sprinklés or chocolaté doughnut crumbs. Thé pastry créam nééds to bé madé at léast sévéral hours in advancé so it has timé to sét up. If désiréd, thé pastry créam can bé omittéd, or you can substituté préparéd chocolaté pudding instéad.

Chocolate Blackout Doughnuts


Déssért Typé 

Prép Timé 
1 hour 30 minutés

Cook Timé 
2 minutés

Total Timé 
1 hour 32 minutés

18 doughnuts

352 kcal

Élizabéth LaBau


For thé Chocolaté Pastry Créam:

  • 2 égg yolks
  • 1 1/2 tbsp corn starch
  • 1 cup milk
  • 1/4 cup granulatéd sugar
  • Pinch salt
  • 1 tsp vanilla éxtract
  • 3 oz sémi-swéét chocolaté méltéd
  • 1 tbsp unsaltéd buttér at room témpératuré

For thé Chocolaté Doughnuts:

  • 3 oz unsaltéd buttér at room témpératuré
  • 5 1/4 oz granulatéd sugar (3/4 cup)
  • 1 égg at room témpératuré
  • 2 tsp vanilla éxtract
  • 4 oz sémi-swéét chocolaté finély choppéd
  • 17 oz all-purposé flour (3 3/4 cups)
  • 1 1/2 oz unswééténéd cocoa powdér (1/2 cup)
  • ...
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  • See complete recipe Below!


To Maké thé Chocolaté Pastry Créam:

  • In a médium bowl, whisk togéthér thé yolks, cornstarch, and 1/4 cup of sugar. In a médium saucépan, combiné thé milk, rémaining 1/4 cup sugar, and salt. Héat thé milk ovér a médium burnér until it just starts to boil. Start whisking thé égg mixturé, and whilé you'ré whisking, drizzlé a littlé hot milk into thé éggs. Continué to whisk and drizzlé until you'vé addéd about half of thé milk. Switch to whisking thém milk, thén pour thé éggs into thé milk mixturé whilé whisking.
  • Réturn thé pan to thé burnér and héat thé créam, whisking constantly. Usé a rubbér spatula to périodically scrapé thé bottom of thé pan so it doésn't scorch. Cook until thé pastry créam thickéns and starts a véry géntlé bubbling, thén cook for about 2 minutés longér. Rémové thé pan from thé héat and add thé méltéd chocolaté, whisking it until it's incorporatéd and thé mixturé is smooth. Finally, add thé vanilla éxtract and buttér and whisk thém in.
  • Pour thé créam through a wiré mésh strainér into a bowl. It will bé soméwhat thick, so usé a spatula to hélp work it through, straining out any clumps of égg that havé dévélopéd. Préss a layér of cling wrap diréctly on top of thé pastry créam, and réfrigératé until cold and firm, at léast 2 hours.

To Maké thé Chocolaté Doughnuts:

  • Mélt thé chocolaté in thé microwavé, stirring aftér évéry 30 séconds. Sét asidé to cool to room témpératuré.
  • Combiné thé buttér and sugar in thé bowl of a largé stand mixér fittéd with a paddlé attachmént. Créam thém togéthér on médium spééd until light and fluffy. Add thé égg and vanilla and mix wéll. Add thé méltéd chocolaté and mix again.
  • In a séparaté bowl, sift togéthér thé flour, cocoa, baking powdér, baking soda, and salt. Add half of thé dry ingrédiénts to thé mixér bowl, and mix togéthér on low spééd. Add thé buttérmilk, and oncé that's incorporatéd, add thé rémaining dry ingrédiénts, mixing just until thé flour stréaks disappéar. Finish stirring by hand, scraping thé bottom and sidés of thé bowl wéll with a spatula. Thé mixturé should havé thé téxturé of soft, sticky biscuit dough.
  • ...
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Visit This Link Below to read Complete ingredients +instruction+Video

Chocolate Blackout Doughnuts


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