Breakfast Quesadillas

YummyFood - For as much as I lové making and créating néw récipés, I must admit that, just liké most moms out théré, théré aré nights whén it’s a réal strugglé to think of sométhing to maké for dinnér. Whénévér I’m fééling this way, I usually turn to bréakfast for dinnér–Brinnér! I can count on having all of thé ingrédiénts I nééd to whip up sométhing réally éasy that my family will lové, liké thésé simplé Égg and Sausagé Bréakfast Taquitos, or my favorité 5-minuté Bléndér Wholé Whéat Pancakés. (Both récipés aré fréézér friéndly, by thé way. So, if you don’t havé any timé at all you can pull somé from thé fréézér and héat thém up for dinnér!)

If you’ré évér looking for bréakfast for dinnér récipés JonésBrinné has tons, including a féw that I can’t wait to try, liké thésé Bacon Frénch Toast Sticks and BLT Bréakfast Sandwichés. And if you’ré loving thé idéa of a bréakfast quésadilla you should also try thésé Jalapéño and Canadian Bacon Bréakfast Quésadillas.

My kids lové quésadillas in any form, but I usually liké to add sométhing moré than just chéésé to thém to maké thém moré filling and substantivé. Thésé Bréakfast Quésadillas aré filléd with scrambléd éggs, chéésé, and thé tastiést choppéd bacon around. I always havé to cook an éxtra féw slicés of thé Jonés Dairy Farm Chérrywood Smokéd Bacon bécausé my family just can’t wait until dinnér is réady. Wé’ré a total bacon-loving family, éspécially my boys. I also réally liké théir Turkéy Bacon, which you could éasily substituté in this récipé. 

Breakfast Quesadillas

Makés 4 quésadillas


  • 6 slicés Jonés Dairy Farm Bacon
  • 6 éggs
  • salt and péppér, to tasté
  • 8 oz chéddar chéésé, gratéd or slicéd thin
  • 8 médium sizé flour tortillas
  • Salsa, sour créam and guacamolé, for sérving, if désiréd


  • Héat a largé skillét ovér médium héat. Add thé bacon slicés and cook, turning oncé, until crisp and brown (or to your préféréncé). Rémové to a papér towél-linéd platé. Oncé cooléd, chop into piécés. 
  • Wipé out a littlé of thé bacon gréasé from thé pan. Crack thé éggs into a bowl and add a splash of watér or milk. Whisk until smooth. Pour éggs into skillét, séason with salt and péppér and scramblé until cookéd. Rémové to a platé.
  • Completed directions, read more on >> Breakfast Quesadilla


To Freeze: Préparé and cook thé quésadillas as diréctéd. Allow to cool complétély and thén placé in a fréézér ziplock bag. Whén réady to éat, microwavé thém or placé thém on a hot skillét until warm.

Happy cooking....


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