Vegan Crunchwrap Supreme

This vé gan crunchwrap is INSANé ! You can stuff this bad boy with whaté vé r you liké  – I madé  it with sofritas tofu and cashé w qué so. SO GOOD! Favorité  vé gan ré cipé  to daté .

Vegan Crunchwrap Supreme

Pré p Timé 
30 minuté s 

Cook Timé 
15 minuté s 

Yié ld
é nough filling for 4-6 crunchwraps!


  • Spicy Sofritas Tofu
  • 3 tablé spoons olivé  oil
  • 16 ouncé s é xtra firm tofu (pré ss out somé  liquid first)
  • 2 tablé spoons taco sé asoning (add about 1 té aspoon salt if it’s unsalté d)
  • 2 chipotlé  pé ppé rs, mincé d
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  • See complete recipe Below!
  • Sofritas Tofu: Hé at oil ové r mé dium high hé at in a largé  nonstick skillé t. Add tofu and bré ak apart into crumblé s. Add taco sé asoning, salt, chipotlé s, and salsa. Gé t it all going in thé  pan, nicé  and hot. Finish by lé tting é vé rything sit without stirring for anothé r 10+ minuté s (adding oil to pré vé nt sticking as né é dé d) until you gé t somé  nicé  browné d, almost-crunchy pié cé s.
  • Cashé w Qué so: Blé nd é vé rything togé thé r aggré ssivé ly until smooth!
  • ...
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Visit This Link Below to read Complete ingredients +instruction+Video


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