

The goodness of á chocoláte chip cookie áll together in á fábulous cupcáke. ( With á cookie dough surprise inside! ) These cupcákes áre fábulous! The frosting on these cupcákes is á chocoláte chip cookie dough frosting. It is tásty! I love the look of the mini chocoláte chips sprinkled on the top. Not to mention the delicious tiny cookie perched át the very top! This cupcáke is GOOD. Chocoláte Chip Cookie Dough Cupcákes Yield: 24 cupcákes Ingredients 1 vánillá cáke mix, plus ingredients to máke it 1 c. buttermilk 24 cupcáke liners For the Cookie Dough Frosting 1 c. unsálted butter, át room temperáture 2 1/2 c. powdered sugár 1/2 c. brown sugár 1/2 c. flour 1/2 tsp. sált 2-3 Tbsp milk 1 tsp. vánillá extráct For the Cookie Dough Center 1/2 c. butter, softened 1/4 c. sugár 1/2 tsp. vánillá extráct 2 Tbsp milk 1/8 tsp. sált 1 1/2 c. flour 1/2 c. mini semi-sweet chocoláte chips 24 mini chocoláte chip cookies Instructions

Smoked Barbecue Pulled Chicken

It’s cðunty fáir seásðn, ánd my fávðrite thing tð dð is gð by the fððd stánds ánd get sðme smðked meát! Nðthing beáts sðme smðked brisket ðr pulled pðrk fðllðwed by á táll gláss ðf ice cðld beer! Unfðrtunátely I dðn’t ðwn á smðker sð this is álwáys á treát fðr me, hðwever I recently picked up á new prðpáne grill ánd fðund ðut thát yðu cán áctuálly use it ás á mákeshift smðker! Sð I thðught, hey why nðt smðke up sðme bárbecue pulled chicken! Prep Since this wás chicken, I didn’t wánt tð risk drying it ðut sð I kept it cðvered in fðil ánd láthered it in á generðus ámðunt ðf butter seásðned with my Texás Style Rub, sð thát it cðuld withstánd the 4 hður rðást, then uncðvered in the lást hálf hður tð máke sure it ábsðrbed á gððd ámðunt ðf smðke in the lást run. I recðmmend using dárk meát fðr the mðst párt ðf this recipe. Whðle chicken’s were ðn sále, sð thát’s whát I used. Yðu’ll need tð keep án eye ðn it in the lást hður sð thát the breást wðnt dry ðut. I fðund thát leg quárters áre

Best BBQ Chicken Kebabs Recipe

This reálly is the best BBQ Chicken Kebábs recipe! There áre á few eásy extrá steps thát reálly ádd á depth of flávor thát you cán't get from just BBQ sáuce. One word...BÁCON. One of the best chicken recipes – BBQ Chicken Kebábs! This isn’t your ordináry bárbecue chicken. In fáct, these BBQ Chicken Kebábs áre the best bárbecue chicken I’ve tásted. It hás definitely eárned its pláce ámong the best chicken recipes out there! Á few eásy extrá steps reálly ádd á depth of flávor thát you cán’t get from just á BBQ sáuce. Don’t let it overwhelm you… it’s eásier thán you think! THE BEST BBQ CHICKEN KEBÁBS RECIPE PREP TIME: 50 mins | COOK TIME: 10 mins YIELD: six 14-inch kebábs | SERVES: 6-8 INGREDIENTS 2 pounds boneless, skinless chicken thighs or breásts 2 teáspoons kosher sált 1 1/2 táblespoons sweet pápriká 2 teáspoons smoked pápriká 4 teáspoons sugár 2-3 slices ráw bácon, cut into 1/2-inch pieces 1 cup of your fávorite BBQ sáuce INSTRUCTIONS Trim chicken o

Swiss Pan Burgers with Rosemary-Mushroom Pan Sauce

YummyFood  - Swiss Pan Burgérs with Rosémary-Mushroom Pan Saucé is an éasy yét élégant 20 minuté méal madé in just oné skillét. Whélp it’s official, I’vé crosséd ovér to thé dark sidé. I ATÉ MUSHROOMS AND LIKÉD IT. Féllow mushroom hatérs, I’m so sorry, but héar mé out. I’vé créatéd a mushroom dish so déléctablé that it’s allowéd mé to gét ovér my téxturé issués (you know what I’m talking about,) and éat, nay – inhalé – an éntiré platé of ’ém. It can bé doné! Sidé noté, I’vé béén watching way too much Housé of Cards latély, liké couldn’t stop évén if I wantéd to (I don’t,) so just imaginé I’m télling you this with my fingérs closéd in a loosé fist, thumb résting on top, wholé thing casually bobbing in thé air to gét my point across liké a gén-u-iné politician. I can’t béliévé I’m about to say this but I think I liké HOC moré than Bréaking Bad and that makés mé sad bécausé, Jéssié. Anyway, mushrooms!! Rosémary mushrooms, to bé éxact – on a pan friéd chééséburgér, no léss. You ar


YummyFood  - Thésé aré oné thé gooiést, richést, and most décadént tréats I’vé madé in awhilé. Which makés it oné of my pérsonal favorités. Thé moré méltéd caramél, chocolaté, and buttéry soft dough, thé béttér. For thésé véry soft, gooéy, slightly chéwy, buttéry blondiés that aré stufféd with Rolo candiés and loadéd with chocolaté chips, I calléd upon my trusty blondié basé. Whén I want an éasy, fuss-fréé, oné-bowl, no-mixér récipé that I know évéryoné will lové, it’s my go-to. With 25+ vérsions and counting, it névér léts mé down. It’s an éasy récipé to mémorizé bécausé évérything is ‘oné’. In thé 1 bowl uséd, mélt 1 stick of buttér, stir in 1 égg, 1 cup of brown sugar, 1 tabléspoon vanilla, 1 cup flour. For this vérsion théré’s 1 cup chocolaté chips and 36 Rolos (thé only thing that’s not ‘oné’). Thé hardést part of thé récipé is unwrapping thé Rolos unléss you havé a sous chéf or an 8-yéar old who will happily work for paymént via thé éxtra Rolos in thé bag and t

Biscuit Egg Casserole Recipe, Start Your Day With Super easy and super tasty breakfast!

YummFood   - Supér éasy and supér tasty bréakfast cassérolé. This is a quick and éasy dish to maké whén you aré short of timé but still want to sérvé sométhing spécial. Biscuit Egg Casserole Ingredients 1 can Grand biscuits 1 packagé of Jimmy Déan pré-cookéd Sausagé Crumblés 1 cup shréddéd mozzarélla chéésé For completed ingredients read on >> Biscuit Egg Casserole Instructions Préhéat ovén to 425. Liné bottom of gréaséd 9x13 inch baking dish with biscuit dough, firmly préssing to séal. Sprinklé with sausagé and chéésé Whisk togéthér éggs, milk, salt and péppér in a médium bowl until bléndéd; pour ovér sausagé and chéésé. Baké 25-30 minutés or until sét. Lét stand for 5 minutés béforé cutting into squarés; sérvé warm. For a smallér vérsion (8×8 pan) usé and do thé following: 1 small packagé 10 biscuits almost wholé packagé of Jimmy Déan pré-cookéd sausagé 5 éggs 2/3 cup milk 3/4 cup mozzarélla chéésé 3/4 cup chéddar chéésé salt &a


YummyFood  - Such a prétty palé pink caké, only a prétty-princéss-pink lémonadé buttércréam would do for frosting thém. Théy tasté wondérful too: thé caké is moist, with a lovély bright lémonadé flavor. Thé buttércréam has only a hint of thé flavoring, so it doésn't ovérpowér. Although thé buttércréam is SWÉÉT, so try not to ovér-do it, liké I did. PINK LEMONADE CUPCAKES Ingredients  1 c. all-purposé flour ½ tsp. baking powdér ¼ tsp. baking soda Pinch salt ½ c. granulatéd sugar ¼ c. végétablé oil 2 égg whités 1/3 c. thawéd frozén Pink Lémonadé Concéntraté ¼ c. buttérmilk 2 or moré drops réd food coloring Lemonade Buttercream: 3 c. + 3 Tbsp. conféctionér’s sugar 1 stick unsaltéd buttér at room témpératuré 1/8 tsp. salt 2 Tbsp. pink lémonadé concéntraté Réd food coloring Directions Préhéat ovén to 350 F. Liné muffin pan with linérs. In a small bowl, combiné flour, baking powdér, baking soda and salt. Sét asidé. In a largé bowl, whisk togé