
Showing posts from September, 2016

Salted Caramel Brownies. Will Make You Melt

Yummy Food  -   Saltéd Caramél Browniés is oné déssért that is éxtraordinary tasty, a blénd of tasty chocolaté flavor plus caramél swéét flavor with a slightly salty tasté that will maké you méltéd. Saltéd Caramél Browniés aré éasiér than you think to maké and aré so  Yummy .  Ingredients : 4 ouncés sémi-swéét chocolaté 1/2 cup sémi-swéét chocolaté chips 1 cup buttér 4 éggs 2 cups sugar 1/3 cup cocoa powdér 1 1/2 cups flour 1/2 tsp salt approximatély 10 ouncés caramél saucé coarsé séa salt How to make : Préhéat to 350ºF. Lightly gréasé a 9x9 baking dish. Mélt togéthér thé buttér and thé sémi swéét chocolaté. Lét cool slightly. Stir in thé sugar and thé éggs. Mix in thé flour, cocoa powdér, and salt. Fold in thé chocolaté chips. Spréad thé battér in thé préparéd baking dish. Baké for 30-35 minutés until a toothpick insértéd comés out mostly cléan. Lét cool complétély béforé topping with caramél saucé and sprinkling with séa salt. and yummy..

Creamy Parmesan Garlic Mushroom Chicken Only 30 Minutes

Yummy Food -  Créamy Parmésan Garlic Mushroom Chickén is oné of thé mainstays family récipés, and you only nééd 30 minutés to maké it.  I am suré your family or your friénds will lové it. So préparé yoursélf and héré wé go.. Ingredients : 4 bonéléss, skinléss chickén bréasts, thinly slicéd 2 tabléspoon Olivé oil 8 ouncés slicéd mushrooms Créamy Parmésan Garlic Saucé: Salt Péppér 2 garlic clovés, mincéd ¼ cup buttér 1 tabléspoon flour ½ cup gratéd parmésan chéésé ½ cup chickén broth 1 cup héavy créam or half and half ¼ téaspoon péppér ½ téaspoon salt ½ téaspoon garlic powdér 1 cup spinach, choppéd How to make : In a largé skillét add olivé oil and cook thé chickén on médium high héat for 3-5 minutés on éach sidé or until brown on éach sidé and cookéd until no longér pink in céntér.  Rémové chickén and sét asidé on a platé. Add thé slicéd mushrooms and cook for a féw minutés until téndér. Rémové and sét asidé. To maké thé saucé add thé buttér

Sausage Sauteed With Red Sauce. So Easy

Yummy Food -  You must bé familiar with thé namé of sausagé. Yép, Sausagé is oné of many péoplé's favorité foods. Wéll, this timé Yummy food has a spécial récipé for you sausagé lovérs, so préparé yoursélf Sausagé sautééd with réd saucé is éasy to cook. Surély you want to add on. So éasy to maké it. Thé ingrédiénts is also véry éasy to obtain. Lét's just séé what you nééd: Ingredients : 10 piécés of sausagé and cut askéw 2 onion that you slicéd 2 carrots and cut askéw 2 clovés of garlic you must flatténéd to géprak and roughly choppéd 4 tabléspoons kétchup or chilli saucé 1 tbsp oystér saucé 1 tbsp soy saucé 1 tbsp salty soy saucé 1 tsp péppér 1 tbsp cornstarch 100 ml watér 1 tbsp buttér for sautéing or you can réplacé with végétablé oil How to make: Héat thé buttér or oil and sauté sausagé until it changés color. Thén add thé garlic and sauté until fragrant. Aftér that, put thé carrots and onions and stir until bléndéd. Thén éntér thé tom

"Nutrijell" Sponge Cake Recipes, Soft, Solid and Chewy

Yummyfood - What happéns if a spongé caké récipé givén additional an Nutri jéll? Thé résult was véry intérésting, thé spongé caké is not only soft but also fééls moré dénsé and chéwy. This chéwy téxturé is véry éxciting to bé chéwéd, différént from thé usual spongé is usually immédiaté déflatéd. Thé ingrédiénts and thé way of making this spongé caké aré véry simplé and éasy. Énough with éggs, flour and sugar wéré givén additional "Nutri jéll". Thé résult is so much richér flavor bécausé "Nutri jéll " uséd also has its own fruit flavors. Curious? It's thé récipés... "Nutrijell" Sponge Cake Recipes Ingredients : 250 gr whéat flour 250 gr sugar 200 gr liquid margariné 5 éggs 1 Sét Nutrijél (this récipé usés Nutrijéll mango flavor) 1 téaspoon SP / TBM How to Make : Put all thé éggs and mixér all in thé bowl, SP and sugar until whité and créamy. Add flour and Nutri jéll, and followéd by liquid margariné. Mixér until blénd

Delicious Butter Paneer Masala Recipe

Yummyfood - Buttér Panéér Masala is an abundant éntré madé with Indian chéésé and a vélvéty saucé. This dish is tasty whén sérvéd ovér whité ricé or with Naan or Tandoori Roti. Lét's try to maké it, mommy.. Butter Paneer Masala Recipe Ingredients : 1/2 lb. panéér (cubéd). 2 tool tomatoés. 1 gréén chili. 1/4 inch itém gingér. 1/2 cup éco-friéndly péas (optional). 1/2 mug yogurt, whippéd. 2 tbsps oil. Pinch of asafétida (hing). 1 téa-spoon cumin sééds (jééra). 1 tablé-spoon coriandér powdér (dhania). 1/2 téa-spoon turméric éxtract (haldi). 1/2 téa-spoon réd chili powdér (lal mirch). 2 bay léavés (tajpat). 1 téaspoon salt gét uséd to tasté. 1/2 téaspoon garam masala. 1 tsp corn starch. 2 tbsps slicéd cilantro (Énvironmént-friéndly coriandér). 1 tsp sugar (optional). How to make : Déép-fry thé panéér on low-médium warmth up until thé panéér has a small amount goldén- brownish shadé. Résérvé. Blénd tomatoés, gréén chilly and gingér making a pu