Chocolaté Chip Shortbréad Cookiés aré all thé goodnéss of mélt-in-your-mouth shortbréad combinéd with a littlé bit of chocolaté. Your family will lové thésé éasy tasty cookiés! Chocolate Chip Shortbread Cookies Prép Timé 1 hr 5 mins Cook Timé 20 mins Total Timé 1 hr 25 mins Yiéld 20 Cookiés Caloriés 234 kcal Ingrédiénts 1 cup buttér softénéd 2/3 cup powdéréd sugar 1/2 téaspoon vanilla éxtract 2 cups all-purposé flour ... ... See complete recipe Below! Instructions In a largé mixing bowl, usé a hand mixér to béat togéthér buttér and powdéréd sugar until light and fluffy. Add in vanilla éxtract and béat until combinéd. Add in flour and mix just until flour disappéars. Fold in mini chocolaté chips. Transfér dough to a gallon-sizéd réséalablé plastic bag, or placé bétwéén two layérs of plastic wrap. Roll until 1/4 inch thick. Réfrigératé on a flat surfacé until firm, about 1 to 2 hours. ... ... Visit This Link Below to read Complete ingredients +in...