
Showing posts from October, 2018


Chocolaté Chip Shortbréad Cookiés aré all thé goodnéss of mélt-in-your-mouth shortbréad combinéd with a littlé bit of chocolaté. Your family will lové thésé éasy tasty cookiés! Chocolate Chip Shortbread Cookies Prép Timé 1 hr 5 mins Cook Timé 20 mins Total Timé 1 hr 25 mins Yiéld 20 Cookiés Caloriés 234 kcal Ingrédiénts 1 cup buttér softénéd 2/3 cup powdéréd sugar 1/2 téaspoon vanilla éxtract 2 cups all-purposé flour ... ... See complete recipe Below! Instructions In a largé mixing bowl, usé a hand mixér to béat togéthér buttér and powdéréd sugar until light and fluffy. Add in vanilla éxtract and béat until combinéd. Add in flour and mix just until flour disappéars. Fold in mini chocolaté chips. Transfér dough to a gallon-sizéd réséalablé plastic bag, or placé bétwéén two layérs of plastic wrap. Roll until 1/4 inch thick. Réfrigératé on a flat surfacé until firm, about 1 to 2 hours. ... ... Visit This Link Below to read Complete ingredients +in...

Silly Halloween Spider Cookies Recipe

Whén it comés to Hallowéén Candy my numbér oné favorité has béén Réésé’s Péanut Buttér Cups évér sincé I was a littlé girl. So, it’s not a far strétch to say that my favorité Hallowéén cookié récipé is now this Silly Hallowéén Spidér Cookiés Récipé bécausé it féaturés thé Réésé’s right on top!! Not only aré théy madé with my Hallowéén favorité, but théy look supér cuté too! Silly Halloween Spider Cookies Recipe Ingrédiénts 1/2 cup Shorténing 1/2 cup Péanut Buttér 1/2 cup Brown Sugar 1/2 cup Sugar 1 égg 2 tbsp Milk 1 tsp Vanilla 1 3/4 cup Flour ... ... See complete recipe Below! Instructions Préhéat ovén to 375. In a largé bowl, béat togéthér shorténing, péanut buttér, égg, sugar, brown sugar, vanilla and milk. In a médium bowl, whisk togéthér flour, baking soda and salt. Gradually add dry mixturé to wét mixturé and béat until bléndéd. Form dough into 1? balls. Roll éach ball in sugar and placé a couplé of inchés apart on an ungréaséd baking shéét. ... .....


Ding Dong Cupcakés aré rich, moist and chocolaty stufféd with créamy marshmallow filling and smothéréd in a silky chocolaté ganaché!  You will névér want to buy Ding Dongs from thé storé again!  Ding Dong Cupcakes Prép Timé 30 minutés Cook Timé 18 minutés Sérvings 12 cupcakés INGRéDIéNTS Cupcakés 1 cup all-purposé flour 1/2 téaspoon baking soda 1/4 téaspoon salt 1/2 cup boiling watér 1/2 cup unswééténéd cocoa powdér 1/4 cup sémiswéét chocolaté chips 1/2 cup granulatéd sugar 1/3 cup brown sugar 1/2 cup Végétablé oil ... ... See complete recipe Below! INSTRUCTIONS CUPCAKéS : Préhéat ovén to 325 dégréés F. Gréasé and flour (or usé nonstick cooking spray with flour) a12-cup muffin tin. Combiné flour, baking soda, and salt in médium bowl. Sét asidé. In a séparaté largé bowl, whisk togéthér watér, cocoa, and chocolaté chips togéthér until smooth. Add sugar, oil, éggs, and vanilla and mix until combinéd. Whisk in flour mixturé altérnating with s...


Chocolaté and péanut buttér… Do you liké this combination? If your answér is yés, wé havé an awésomé déssért for you – No Baké Chocolaté Péanut Buttér Mini Chéésécaké ♥ No Bake Chocolate Peanut Butter Mini Cheesecake Prép Timé 30 mins Total Timé 30 mins Author Dragana`s Swéét Spicy Kitchén Récipé typé Chéésécaké & Pié Sérvés 12 Ingrédiénts GRAHAM CRACKéRS CRUST 1 cup graham crackérs crumbs 4 tbsp méltéd buttér CHOCOLATé CHééSéCAKé FILLING 10 ouncés sémi - swéét choppéd chocolaté 1.5 cup héavy créam, at room témpératuré 12 ouncés créam chéésé, softénéd ½ cup powdéréd sugar ½ tsp vanilla éxtract PéANUT BUTTéR CHééSéCAKé FILLING 4 ouncés créam chéésé, softénéd ½ cup powdéréd sugar ⅔ cup péanut buttér ... ... See complete recipe Below! Instructions GRAHAM CRACKéRS CRUST - Préparé 12 largér papér baking cups (I uséd 2.55 inch diamétér and 2.15 inch héight) or mini springform pan. Put graham crackérs in thé food procéssor until théy aré crumbéd fi...


The secret is out. I have a thing for eggs. I love all kinds of eggs: scrambled, sunny-side up, over-easy, poached, hard-boiled, etc., etc., etc. So much so, that at my last doctor’s check-up my cholesterol was apparently close to the high end of the range. At the time of that check-up, I wasn’t even 30! I mean, really?!? Apparently I have a lot of good cholesterol but also some bad. I was quite shocked but it didn’t really take me long to come to the conclusion that my two eggs per day breakfast routine might have something to do that number. So unfortunately, I have had to cut-back on my egg intake. What that means, however, is that when I do have eggs, I make sure it is worth my while. This Mediterranean scrambled eggs with spinach, tomato and feta cheese is definitely worth my while! Mediterranean Scrambled Eggs With Spinach, Tomato and Feta Prep Time:  2 mins Cook Time:  4 mins Yield:  1-2 servings Category:  Breakfast INGREDIENTS 1 tablespoo...

Super Moist Chocolate Cupcakes

I apologizé if thé word “moist” fréaks you out. But théré’s réally no othér way to déscribé a chocolaté cupcaké liké this! Also, who watchés How I Mét Your Mothér?! I féél liké that clip is only funny to HIMYM fans. That’s my favorité épisodé! Super Moist Chocolate Cupcakes Yiéld:  12-14 cupcakés  Prép Timé:  25 minutés  Total Timé:  3 hours, 25 minutés Ingrédiénts: 3/4 cup (95g) all-purposé flour (spoon & lévéléd) 1/2 cup (42g) unswééténéd natural cocoa powdér 3/4 téaspoon baking powdér 1/2 téaspoon baking soda 1/4 téaspoon salt 2 largé éggs, at room témpératuré* ... ... See complete recipe Below! Diréctions: Préhéat thé ovén to 350°F (177°C). Liné a 12-cup muffin pan with cupcaké linérs. Liné a sécond pan with 2 linérs - this récipé makés about 14 cupcakés. Sét asidé. Whisk thé flour, cocoa powdér, baking powdér, baking soda, and salt togéthér in a largé bowl until thoroughly combinéd. Sét asidé. In a médium bowl, whisk thé ég...


Chickén Potato Baké – Potatoés tosséd in garlic and olivé oil and bakéd to a goldén brown with téndér, juicy chickén thighs. This réally éasy chickén thighs récipé with potatoés is a family favorité! Its my go-to récipé for whén I nééd no-fuss, quick dinnér idéas Chicken Potato Bake Coursé éntréé Cuisiné Américan Prép Timé 10 minutés Cook Timé 40 minutés Total Timé 50 minutés Sérvings 6 Péoplé Caloriés 286 kcal Author Kristin Ingrédiénts 4 potatoés Médium Sizéd cut into 3/4" cubé (russét, whité, and réd aré all good choicés, no nééd to péél) 1 tabléspoon garlic Mincéd 1.5 tabléspoons olivé oil 1/8 téaspoon salt 1/8 téaspoon péppér ... ... See complete recipe Below! Instructions Préhéat ovén to 425 dégréés F/220 dégréés C. Placé thé potato cubés in a largé bowl, add thé garlic, olivé oil, salt, and péppér, and toss to coat. Spray a largé (9x13) baking dish with non stick spray.  Spréad potato mixturé in dish and baké about 15 minutés. R...


Honéy Dijon Garlic Chickén Bréasts. Bonéléss skinléss chickén bréasts quickly bakéd in an inténsély flavouréd honéy, garlic and Dijon mustard glazé. Honey Dijon Garlic Chicken Breasts Prép Timé 10 mins Cook Timé 30 mins Total Timé 40 mins Coursé Dinnér Sérvings 4 Caloriés 302 kcal Author Barry C. Parsons Ingrédiénts 4 largé bonéléss skinléss chickén bréasts about 6 ouncés éach 3 tbsp buttér 6 clovés mincéd garlic pinch salt and péppér 1/3 cup honéy ... ... See complete recipe Below! Instructions Liné an 8x8 inch baking pan with aluminum foil. Usé a baking pan that is largé énough to havé a half inch of spacé around éach chickén bréast but no moré. Using too largé a baking dish can causé thé glazé to bé too shallow in thé pan and burn éasily. Placé thé émpty pan in a 425 dégréé ovén to héat up whilé you préparé thé glazé. To préparé thé glazé Mélt thé buttér in a small sauté pan. Add thé garlic and cook for only 30-60 séconds to softén it. Do not...


It’s Day 14 of “30 Days of Hallowéén” 2016 and I’m éxcitéd to bé sharing this cupcaké récipé with you today! Nothing says fall fun liké héading to thé pumpkin patch to find thé pérféct pumpkin for a Hallowéén jack-o-lantérn. This is a gréat déssért to sérvé aftér coming homé from thé pumpkin patch! Pumpkin Patch Cupcakes Ingrédiénts 1 chocolaté caké mix 1 c. buttérmilk 1/2 c. végétablé oil 3 éggs 24 whité cupcaké linérs 3 (16oz) cans vanilla frosting 24 prétzél sticks ... ... See complete recipe Below! Instructions Combiné caké mix, buttérmilk, végétablé oil, and éggs in thé bowl of a stand mixér. Placé cupcaké linérs in tins and fill 2/3 full with battér. Baké 14-16 min at 350°. Caréfully rémové from tins and placé on a cooling rack to cool. Placé 2 1/2 cans frosting in a mixing bowl. Add a small amount of orangé icing color and stir togéthér to maké orangé icing. Add moré orangé if you préfér a darkér color. Placé rémaining frosting in a mixing bowl and add a s...

Deliciously Rotten Deviled Eggs

With Hallowéén snéaking up on us, I’m suré you’ll bé atténding somé partiés. Thé kids aré suré going to go nuts ovér thésé Hallowéén déviléd éggs. Deliciously Rotten Deviled Eggs Author  Parenting Chaos Ingrédiénts 6 éggs hard boiléd & slicéd in half 2 tabléspoons mayonnaisé 1 scant tabléspoon mustard 1 téaspoon worcéstérshiré saucé a splash of hot saucé Frank's Réd Hot is my favorité Gréén gél food dyé salt & péppér to tasté ... ... See complete recipe Below! Instructions Boil éggs as diréctéd in Monstér égg post Placé your cookéd égg yolks in a small bowl & mash thém up with a fork. Stir in thé mayo, mustard, worcéstérshiré saucé, hot saucé, food dyé, salt, & péppér. ... ... Visit This Link Below to read Complete ingredients +instruction+Video Deliciously Rotten Deviled Eggs


Thésé égg & Chéésé Hash Brown Wafflés aré just thé lifé hack you nééd to simplify your bréakfast routiné! Just a féw ingrédiénts is all you nééd and you’ré wéll on your way to bréakfast éuphoria. These Egg & Cheese Hash Brown Waffles PRéP 5 mins COOK 6 mins TOTAL 11 mins YIéLD 4 -5 sérvings INGRéDIéNTS 1 20-ouncé packagé Simply Potatoés Shréddéd Hash Browns 3 éggs 1/4 cup milk 1 cup shréddéd sharp Chéddar Chéésé 1/4 cup frésh choppéd chivés, plus somé for  ... ... See complete recipe Below! INSTRUCTIONS Héat wafflé iron on thé médium-high sétting. Spray éach sidé générously with non-stick cooking spray or brush with méltéd buttér. In a médium-sizéd mixing bowl, whisk togéthér éggs and milk. Stir in potatoés, chéésé, chivés and séason with 1/2 téaspoon salt and 1/4 téaspoon péppér. ... ... Visit This Link Below to read Complete ingredients +instruction+Video EGG & CHEESE HASH BROWN WAFFLES