Chocolaté Turtlé Applé Slicés aré thick slicés of Fuji applés covéréd in méltéd chocolaté, drizzléd with caramél and toppéd with nuts. Chocolate Turtle Apple Slices Sérvings 10 -12 slicés Ingrédiénts 2 véry largé Fuji applés 3 1/2 cups sémi-swéét chocolaté chips I uséd Néstlé 1 tabléspoon coconut oil 1 cup caraméls méltéd (I uséd Kraft caraméls) ... ... See complete recipe Below! Instructions Slicé applés into 1/2" piécés. With a knifé maké a littlé slit in thé bottom of éach applé slicé to maké it éasiér to insért a popsiclé stick. Mélt chips in thé microwavé on high for about 2 minutés.* Stir in coconut oil until smooth. Dip applé slicés in chocolaté and placé on parchmént linéd cookié shéét. Placé caraméls in microwavé safé bowl and microwavé on high for 45-60 séconds.* Do NOT ovérhéat. Stir until smooth. Drizzlé méltéd caramél ovér chocolaté and sprinklé with nuts. ... ... Visit This Link Below to read Complete ingredients +instruction+Video C...