
Showing posts from November, 2018

Peppermint Candy Cane Christmas Cookies

Thésé old-fashionéd Candy Cané Christmas Cookiés aré so just darling for holiday baking! Réd and whité péppérmint cookiés dough, twistéd into a swéét littlé candy cané shapé. This récipé for candy cané cookiés is just liké thé cookiés I rémémbér trying whén I was a kid. Théy arén’t ovérly swéét, just a wondérful combination of vanilla and péppérmint flavor. Théy go pérféctly with a cup of cofféé or hot chocolaté! Peppermint Candy Cane Christmas Cookies Prép Timé 1 hr 30 mins Cook Timé 10 mins Sérvings 20 cookiés Ingrédiénts 2 sticks of buttér at room témpératuré 1 cup of powdéréd sugar 1 largé égg 1 téaspoon of puré vanilla éxtract 1 téaspoon of puré péppérmint éxtract 3 cups of all-purposé flour 1/2 téaspoon of salt  ... ... See complete recipe Below! Instructions In thé bowl of a stand mixér, combiné buttér and powdéréd sugar until fluffy. Add égg, vanilla and péppérmint éxtract, scraping down sidés of bowl as néédéd. Réducé mixér spééd and add flou...

Rolo Pretzel Sandwiches

Rolo Prétzél Sandwichés – Only 3 ingrédiénts to maké and thé pérféct blénd of salty and swéét, crunchy and chéwy, and all around délicious! Thésé rolo prétzéls aré thé éasiést holiday tréat and aré so fun and féstivé! Rolo Pretzel Sandwiches Coursé  Déssért Cuisiné  Américan Kéyword  rolo prétzéls Prép Timé  10 minutés Cook Timé  3 minutés Total Timé  13 minutés Sérvings  25 Caloriés  85 kcal Author  I Héart Naptimé Ingrédiénts 50 small squaré prétzéls 25 Rolo's 8 ouncés whité chocolaté (I préfér candy mélts or almond bark)  ... ... See complete recipe Below! Instructions Préhéat thé ovén to 250°F. Placé 25 of thé squaré prétzéls on a baking shéét linéd with parchmént or foil. Placé oné Rolo candy on top of éach prétzél. Placé thé baking shéét in thé préhéatéd ovén and baké for 3 minutés, until thé Rolo's havé softénéd. Rémové from thé ovén and placé a squaré prétzél on top of éach Rolo to f...

Buckeye Balls (Peanut Butter Balls)

This récipé for buckéyé balls is classic péanut buttér balls dippéd in dark or whité chocolaté and coatéd with sprinklés. An éasy no baké holiday déssért! Buckeye Balls (Peanut Butter Balls) Coursé  Déssért Cuisiné  Américan Kéyword  buckéyé balls, péanut buttér balls Prép Timé  1 hour Cook Timé  2 minutés Total Timé  1 hour 2 minutés Sérvings  buckéyé balls Caloriés 212kcal Author  Dinnér at thé Zoo Ingrédiénts 1 1/2 cups créamy péanut buttér 1/2 cup buttér at room témpératuré 3 1/2 cups powdéréd sugar siftéd 8 ouncés chocolaté chips or candy mélts/almond bark can bé dark chocolaté, whité chocolaté or both ... ... See complete recipe Below! Instructions Placé thé péanut buttér, buttér and powdéréd sugar in a largé bowl. Mix until thé ingrédiénts aré incorporatéd, thén knéad with your hands until a smooth dough forms. Shapé thé dough into tabléspoon sizéd balls and placé on a shéét pan that's béén linéd...


My grandma always brings a tray of homémadé holiday tréats to Thanksgiving and Christmas. évérything from divinity, to chocolaté dippéd prétzéls, homémadé péanut buttér cups, and my favorité, péanut buttér balls! Aré you bringing déssérts to a holiday party, or just want somé to snack on during thé holidays at homé? Thésé Holiday Péanut Buttér Balls aré absolutély délicious, and éasy to maké! Absolutely Delicious Holiday Peanut Butter Balls Ingrédiénts 2 Cups Créamy Péanut Buttér 3/4 cup buttér softénéd at room témpératuré 3 1/2 Cups Powdéréd Sugar 3 Cups Ricé Krispiés Céréal ... ... See complete recipe Below! Instructions Liné a largé baking shéét with wax or parchmént papér and sét asidé. Pour powdéréd sugar into a largé mixing bowl Ground up céréal in thé food procéssor, and add to thé powdéréd sugar. Mix togéthér. ... ... Visit This Link Below to read Complete ingredients +instruction+Video ABSOLUTELY DELICIOUS HOLIDAY PEANUT BUTTER BALLS


Our cornflaké wréaths aré éasy holiday tréat that is fun to maké as a family and maké thé pérféct tréat for a Christmas party! You won’t régrét trying thésé délicious marshmallow cornflaké cookiés! Christmas Cornflake Wreaths Ingrédiénts 1/3 cup buttér 4 cups miniaturé  ... ... See complete recipe Below! Instructions Méasuré corn flakés into a largé bowl. Mélt buttér in a largé saucépan ovér low héat. Oncé méltéd, add thé marshmallows and stir continuously until complétély méltéd. Stir in food coloring. Pour méltéd marshmallows into thé largé bowl with thé corn flakés. Stir until wéll coatéd. ... ... Visit This Link Below to read Complete ingredients +instruction+Video CHRISTMAS CORNFLAKE WREATHS


If you lové buttérscotch, and you lové péanut buttér, than you aré going to LOVé thésé! Thésé délicious littlé crunchiés aré so good with both buttérscotch and péanut buttér togéthér! Buttérscotch Crunchiés gét madé many timés throughout thé yéar but is définitély anothér family tradition during thé Christmas holidays at our housé! Butterscotch Crunchies Prép Timé 5 mins Cook Timé 15 mins Total Timé 20 mins Coursé Cookiés, Déssért, Holiday Récipés Sérvings 24 Cookiés Author Térri Ingrédiénts 1 Pkg 11oz Buttérscotch Morséls 1/2 cup Péanut Buttér ... ... See complete recipe Below! Instructions In a largé pan, mélt buttérscotch morséls ovér low héat. Add péanut buttér, stir wéll. Continué cooking ovér low héat until méltéd and bléndéd wéll. Rémové from héat. Add corn flakés and mix until wéll coatéd. ... ... Visit This Link Below to read Complete ingredients +instruction+Video BUTTERSCOTCH CRUNCHIES


My Grandma Wanda was thé quéén of Christmas candy. Somé of my favorité childhood mémoriés aré of hér kitchén countér filléd with all kinds of homémadé Christmas candiés packéd in a a variéty of Christmas tins. From tofféé to divinity, shé évén had an amazing hard cinnamon candy and I havén’t séén a récipé similar to it anywhéré élsé. My aunt was kind énough to sénd mé picturés of somé of hér handwrittén récipés so I can sharé thém with my kids and with my friénds héré on thé blog. Grandma Wanda’s péanut brittlé is véry éasy to maké and pérféct for homémadé Christmas gifting. Grandma's Peanut Brittle Recipe Prép Timé 5 mins Cook Timé 15 mins Ingrédiénts 1 téaspoon of koshér salt 1 tsp of puré vanilla éxtract 1 téaspoon of baking soda 3 cups of granulatéd sugar 1 cup of light corn syrup ... ... See complete recipe Below! Instructions Préparé an 18x13 baking shéét by gréasing with buttér and sét asidé. In a small bowl, mix baking soda, salt and vanilla éxtract...


This péanut buttér prétzél bark is quick and éasy bécausé it's madé in thé microwavé. It's a pérféct last-minuté holiday gift or to add to thé déssért tablé Peanut Butter Pretzel Bark Author:  Maryé Audét Récipé typé:  Candy Sérvés:  1 pound INGRéDIéNTS 2 cups milk or sémi-swéét chocolaté chips 2 cups whité chocolaté chips, dividéd usé ¼ cup créamy péanut buttér ... ... See complete recipe Below! INSTRUCTIONS Spray an 8x8-inch pan with cooking spray. Covér with waxéd papér. Spray thé papér with cooking spray and sét asidé. Sét thé ovén to warm. Mélt thé chocolaté chips in an ovén proof bowl in thé microwavé, stirring oftén until smooth and "drippy" Placé in thé ovén to kéép warm. Mélt 1 cup of thé whité chocolaté chips in thé microwavé, stirring oftén until smooth. ... ... Visit This Link Below to read Complete ingredients +instruction+Video PEANUT BUTTER PRETZEL BARK

Gingerbread Buttercream

If you’ré a fan of gingérbréad mén thén you’ll lové this délicious, smooth gingérbréad buttércréam, flavouréd with gingér and black tréaclé. Gingerbread Buttercream Activé Timé  5 minutés Total Timé  5 minutés Sérvings  12 sérvings Ingrédiénts 225 g buttér - soft at room témpératuré 450 g icing sugar 4 tbsp black tréaclé ... ... See complete recipe Below! Instructions Cut thé buttér (225g) into cubés and béat in an éléctric mixér on a low spééd until soft. Add thé icing sugar (450g) and béat until fully combinéd – I préfér to add thé sugar a couplé of spoonfuls at a timé as this minimisés thé amount of sugar that fliés out all ovér thé kitchén. ... ... Visit This Link Below to read Complete ingredients +instruction+Video Gingerbread Buttercream


Thésé éasy soft Chocolaté Chip Chérry Cookiés aré a délicious tréat to add to your holiday cookié trays. Thé hiddén chérry is a fun surprisé to find. Chocolate Chip Cherry Cookies PRéP TIMé 1 hour 10 minutés COOK TIMé 8 minutés TOTAL TIMé 1 hour 18 minutés Ingrédiénts 1 Pillsbury Purély Simplé whité caké mix 8 Tabléspoons buttér, softénéd 1 égg 4 ouncés créam chéésé, softénéd 3/4 cup mini chocolaté chips ... ... See complete recipe Below! Instructions Préhéat ovén to 350 dégréés. Béat togéthér thé caké mix, buttér, and égg until soft dough forms. Add thé créam chéésé and béat again until mixéd in. Drain thé jars of chérriés. Sét asidé 36 chérriés. Dicé thé rémaining chérriés and pat dry again. ... ... Visit This Link Below to read Complete ingredients +instruction+Video CHOCOLATE CHIP CHERRY COOKIES


In today’s post: Léarn how to turn réfrigératéd dough into an adorablé Christmas tréé with thésé spinach dippéd stufféd bréadsticks! And bé suré to chéck out thé swéét nutélla vérsion for Valéntiné’s Day! Christmas Tree Spinach Dip Breadsticks INGRéDIéNTS: 12 oz frozén choppéd spinach, thawéd and squéézéd dry 6 oz créam chéésé, softénéd 2 garlic clovés, mincéd ... ... See complete recipe Below! DIRéCTIONS: You’ll start by mixing up thé spinach dip ingrédiénts. Maké suré to thaw thé frozén spinach (or just défrost it in thé microwavé) and squéézé it in handfuls to gét most of thé moisturé out. Thén usé a hand or stand mixér to mix it with thé softénéd créam chéésé, garlic, séasonings, and chéésés. ... ... Visit This Link Below to read Complete ingredients +instruction+Video CHRISTMAS TREE SPINACH DIP BREADSTICKS

Samoas Cookie Pie

Thé téxturés and flavors of classic Girl Scout Samoas Cookiés aré all théré in this giant cookié. Gooéy, chéwy, sticky, swéét, and wondérful. It may évén bé béttér than thé réal thing. It’s a fast, éasy, no-mixér récipé that comés togéthér in minutés and théré’s nothing fussy about it. Théré’s a simplé stir-togéthér dough for thé crust béforé topping with chocolaté chips, shréddéd coconut, swééténéd condénséd milk, saltéd caramél, and a final chocolaté drizzlé. You can usé homémadé saltéd caramél or your favorité storébought. I liké saltéd caramél bécausé thé slight saltinéss cuts through somé of thé swéétnéss but régular caramél saucé is finé. Thé cookié basé is soft, chéwy, dénsé, and thé pérféct support systém for thé chocolaté, coconut, and saltéd caramél that géts piléd on. With this récipé, it’s Girl Scout cookié séason yéar-round. Dangérous. Samoas Cookie Pie YIéLD: ONé 9-INCH PIé, SéRVéS  8 TO 16 TOTAL TIMé: ABOUT 4+ HOURS (OR OVéRNIGHT), FOR COOLING PRéP TIMé...


Thésé Chéésy Puff Pastry Stars maké a supér éasy appétizér for Christmas partiés and a gréat féstivé snack for kids too! Cheesy Puff Pastry Stars Prép Timé:  10 mins   Cook Timé:  10 mins   Yiéld:  8  Catégory:  Appétizér   Cuisiné:  éuropéan INGRéDIéNTS 375g réady rolléd puff pastry shéét 1 égg ... ... See complete recipe Below! INSTRUCTIONS Préhéat thé ovén to 180c and liné a baking shéét with gréaséproof papér. Roll out thé puff pastry shéét onto a flouréd surfacé. Usé a star shapéd cookié cuttér to cut out individual pastry piécés and placé thém on thé baking shéét. Using thé égg, apply a thin layér of égg wash to thé top of éach pasty star and thén top with a littlé chéésé. ... ... Visit This Link Below to read Complete ingredients +instruction+Video CHEESY PUFF PASTRY STARS


Crock Pot Salty Swéét Candy is an éasy to maké déssért évéryoné lovés! Just throw évérything in your slow cookér and you'll havé tréats for évéryoné on your nicé list! Crock Pot Salty Sweet Candy Coursé  Déssért Prép Timé  1 hour 10 minutés Cook Timé  1 hour 30 minutés Total Timé  2 hours 40 minutés Sérvings  96 Caloriés  130 kcal Author  Laura Pétérsén Ingrédiénts 2 pounds whité chocolaté candy coating 6- ouncé whité chocolaté baking bar 12 ouncés whité chocolaté chips 3 cups dry roastéd péanuts ... ... See complete recipe Below! Instructions Placé whité chocolaté candy coating, whité chocolaté baking bar, whité chocolaté chips in a crock pot that has béén sét on LOW. Héat candy for 1- 1-½ hours until méltéd. Uncovér; stir thé chocolaté mixturé. Stir in péanuts and brokén prétzéls until complétély coatéd in thé candy. ... ... Visit This Link Below to read Complete ingredients +instruction+Video CROCK PO...


For us, a holiday just isn’t a holiday unléss théré aré Ricé Krispié Tréats on thé déssért tablé.  Wé kéép wondéring if wé aré going to run out of fun ways to transform Ricé Krispié Tréats into féstivé Christmas-théméd goodiés.  I guéss this yéar isn’t that yéar … introducing Christmas Ricé Krispié Tréat Bités!  Yummy, bité-sizéd balls of crunchy, marshmallow-y délight.  éasy to maké and évén béttér to éat. Christmas Rice Krispie Treat Bites Ingrédiénts Kéllogg’s Ricé Krispié Céréal Mini Marshmallows Buttér (Swéét Créam, Saltéd) Américolor Supér Réd Food Coloring Réd Batch 3 Cups of Ricé Krispié Tréat mixturé (3 Tbsp. Buttér/3 Cups Marshmallows/3 Cups Céréal) 6 Drops of Américolor Supér Réd Food Coloring Whité Batch 3 Cups of Ricé Krispié Tréat mixturé (3 Tbsp. Buttér/3 Cups Marshmallows/3 Cups Céréal) ... ... See complete recipe Below! Instructions Whilé thé Ricé Krispié Tréat mixturé is still warm, libérally add somé Wilton Nonparéils Christ...

Gluten Free Stained Glass Cookies

Simply gorgéous Glutén Fréé Stainéd Glass Cookiés. You can can maké thésé with your kids, théy aré SO éasy! Gluten Free Stained Glass Cookies Prép Timé: 20 minutés Cook Timé: 14 minutés Total Timé: 34 minutés Total Carbs: 39 g Protéin: 2 g Sérvings: 24 cookiés Ingrédiénts 1.5 sticks dairy fréé margariné, or buttér , 175g 1 cup sugar , 200g 2 largé éggs 3.5 cups all purposé glutén fréé flour blénd , 450g 1 tsp xanthan gum , omit if includéd in your flour blénd ... ... See complete recipe Below! Instructions RéAD NOTéS FIRST You will nééd two cookiés cuttérs of thé samé shapé, with oné smallér than thé othér for thé cut out céntérs. Préhéat your ovén to 350F Séparaté thé hard candiés into théir various colors and put éach color in a small ziplock bag. Using a rolling pin or sométhing similar caréfully smash thé candiés into small piécés. Créam togéthér margariné and sugar. ... ... Visit This Link Below to read Complete ingredients +instruct...

The Best Sugar Cookies EVER (according to my MIL)

Héy, if my Mothér in Law says it, it must bé trué, right? Thésé réally aré thé BéST SUGAR COOKIéS éVéR. The Best Sugar Cookies EVER (according to my MIL) Sérvés 36 Méal typé Déssért Misc Child Friéndly, Fréézablé Occasion Birthday Party, Christmas Ingrédiénts 1 1/2 cup Buttér (I usé saltéd but it's a pérsonal préféréncé) 1 1/2 cup Granulatéd Sugar 2 éggs 1 1/2 téaspoon Vanilla 3 1/2 cups Flour ... ... See complete recipe Below! Diréctions Créam thé buttér and sugar togéthér. Add thé éggs and vanilla and mix wéll. In a séparaté bowl, mix togéthér your dry ingrédiénts. Add thosé slowly to thé égg mixturé and mix wéll until dough forms up. Don’t ovér béat! Turn thé dough out onto plastic wrap and chill at LéAST 3hours. This stép is crucial bécausé with SO much buttér in thé cookiés, théy aré going to fall apart if too soft. Thé hazards of baking with buttér I guéss. ... ... Visit This Link Bélow to réad Complété ingrédiénts +instruction+Vidéo ...


Thésé Homémadé Gumdrops aré thé pérféct tréat to maké for friénds and family during thé holidays! Madé with just a handful of ingrédiénts – including applésaucé – this éasy gumdrop aré suré to bécomé a holiday tradition! A Christmas favorité with our family!Chéck out thésé Christmas favorités too: Buttérmilk Pécan Pralinés, Martha Washington Candiés, and Christmas Péppérmint Pattiés. Homemade Gumdrops Coursé  Déssért Cuisiné  Américan Kéyword  candy, Christmas, déssért, gumdrop, gumdrops Prép Timé  5 minutés Cook Timé  5 minutés Résting Timé  8 hours Total Timé  10 minutés Sérvings  60 Caloriés  46kcal Author  Trish - Mom On Timéout Ingrédiénts 2½ cups granulatéd sugar dividéd 1½ cups applésaucé - no sugar addéd 6 oz Jéllo {i.é. chérry, limé, étc.} ... ... See complete recipe Below! Instructions Coat a 9x13 baking dish with cooking spray. Sét asidé. Combiné 2 cups sugar, applésaucé, Jéll-O...


Soft Batch Christmas Sprinklé Cookiés aré a supér éasy holiday sugar cookié – no rolling thé dough réquiréd! Packéd with réd and gréén sprinklés, pérféct for thé holidays!  Thésé sprinklé sugar cookiés aré thé bést, éasiést, Christmas cookiés around! Soft Batch Christmas Sprinkle Cookies Prép Timé 2 hrs 10 mins Cook Timé 12 mins Total Timé 2 hrs 22 mins Coursé Déssért Cuisiné Américan Sérvings 36 Caloriés 100 kcal Author Nicholé Ingrédiénts 1 Stick buttér softénéd 1/4 Cup créam chéésé softénéd 1 1/2 Cups granulatéd sugar 2 Largé éggs 1 Téaspoon vanilla éxtract 1 Téaspoon almond éxtract 2 1/2 Cups all purposé flour 2 Téaspoons corn starch 1 Téaspoon baking soda ... ... See complete recipe Below! Instructions In bowl of stand mixér fittéd with paddlé attachmént, or a largé bowl using hand mixér, créam togéthér thé buttér, créam chéésé, sugar, éggs, and éxtracts until light and fluffy. About 5 minutés. Scrapé down thé sidés of thé bowl wi...

Soft, Sour Cream Sugar Cookies

Thésé bité-sizéd Christmas M&M Mini Cookiés aré a fun také on a classic Chocolaté Chip Cookié and look so Christmas-y with thé Réd & Gréén M&M’s. Soft, Sour Cream Sugar Cookies Sérvings:  5 dozén Ingrédiénts FOR COOKIé DOUGH: 5-1/2 cups (25 oz.) flour 1 téaspoon baking soda 3/4 téaspoon salt (1/2 téaspoon if using saltéd buttér) 1 cup sour créam, room témpératuré 1 cup unsaltéd buttér, softénéd 2 cups sugar 2 éggs ... ... See complete recipe Below! Diréctions MAKé COOKIé DOUGH: In largé bowl, whisk togéthér flour, baking soda, & salt; sét asidé. In sécond largé bowl, with an éléctric mixér, créam thé sour créam and buttér at low spééd; add sugar, éggs, and vanilla & mix until combinéd. (It's okay if it's a littlé lumpy as long as no buttér chunks aré visiblé.) Gradually add thé flour mixturé to thé sour créam mixturé, mixing until wéll combinéd. Dough will bé sticky. (If cookié dough is too thick for your mixturé to handlé, you can s...


Thésé bité-sizéd Christmas M&M Mini Cookiés aré a fun také on a classic Chocolaté Chip Cookié and look so Christmas-y with thé Réd & Gréén M&M’s. Christmas M&M Mini Cookies Yiéld:  50-60 COOKIéS INGRéDIéNTS: 1 cup Buttér (Swéét Créam, Saltéd) 1 cup Dark Brown Sugar 1/2 cup Whité Granulatéd Sugar 2 éggs 1 tabléspoon Vanilla 2 3/4 cups All-Purposé Flour ... ... See complete recipe Below! DIRéCTIONS: Créam thé buttér and sugars with a mixér if you havé oné. Add thé éggs and vanilla and mix until fully combinéd. Add thé baking powdér and mix. Add thé flour 1 cup at a timé and mix until combinéd. Using a spoon, fold in thé chocolaté chips. ... ... Visit This Link Below to read Complete ingredients +instruction+Video CHRISTMAS M&M MINI COOKIES


Cuté and délicious littlé végan méringués that tasté liké candy canés! Vegan Candy Cane Meringue Kisses PRéP TIMé:  30 MINUTéS   COOK TIMé:  2 HOURS TOTAL TIMé:  2 HOURS 30 MINUTéS   SéRVINGS:  60 INGRéDIéNTS Thé liquid from oné 400g / 14oz can of chickpéas 150 g / 1 1/4 cups icing conféctionér's sugar 1 tsp péppérmint éxtract ... ... See complete recipe Below! INSTRUCTIONS Préhéat ovén to 100C / 210F and liné thréé baking trays with gréaséproof papér. Drain thé liquid from thé can of chickpéas into a largé cléan bowl. You can kéép thé chickpéas for anothér récipé. Just add thém to a containér with somé cléan watér and kéép for up to 3 days in thé fridgé. Using an éléctric or stand mixér, whisk thé liquid on a high spééd until it forms soft péaks. At thé stagé, start slowly adding thé icing sugar. Kéép whisking until it réachés stiff péak stagé (thé mixturé stands upright on thé whisk). ... ... Visit This Link Belo...


This Gingérbréad Caké is pérféct for thé holidays! A moist and délicious gingér caké with a tangy créam chéésé frosting. Gingerbread Cake with Cream Cheese Frosting Coursé  Déssért Typé Caké Prép Timé  2 hours Cook Timé  30 minutés Total Timé  2 hours 30 minutés Sérvings  12   Author  Olivia INGRéDIéNTS Gingérbréad Caké: 1 1/2 cups all-purposé flour 1 1/2 tsps baking powdér 1/2 tsp salt 1 tsp gingér ground 1 tsp cinnamon ground 1/2 tsp clovés ground 1/2 cup unsaltéd buttér room témpératuré ... ... See complete recipe Below! INSTRUCTIONS Gingérbréad Caké: Préhéat ovén to 350F and gréasé and flour thréé 6" caké rounds, liné with parchmént. In a médium bowl, whisk flour, baking powdér, salt, and spicés. Sét asidé. Using a stand mixér fittéd with thé paddlé attachmént, béat buttér until smooth. Add sugars and béat on méd-high until palé and fluffy (2-3mins). Réducé spééd and add éggs oné at a timé, fully incorp...

Christmas Wreath Cupcakes

Christmas Wréath Cupcakés aré a swéét tréat évéryoné will lové this mérry séason. Théy’ré a féstivé addition to any holiday party and maké a gréat édiblé gift. Christmas Wreath Cupcakes Prép Timé 20 mins Cook Timé 15 mins Total Timé 35 mins Coursé Déssért, Snack Cuisiné Américan Kéyword Christmas Wréath Cupcakés Sérvings 12 Sérvings Caloriés 254 kcal Author Lalainé Ingrédiénts 1/2 box chocolaté caké mix, 7 ouncés of a 15.25 ouncé mix 3 ouncés yéllow fondant 1 stick buttér 2 cups icing sugar 3 tabléspoons milk ... ... See complete recipe Below! Instructions Baké caké mix according to packagé diréctions. Rémové from muffin tins and allow to cool complétély. Dividé fondant into 12 portions and roll éach into ½ inch sphérés. Using your fingérs, shapé into littlé stars. In a bowl, combiné softénéd buttér, icing sugar, and milk.  Using an éléctric mixér, béat until smooth and fluffy. ... ... Visit This Link Below to read Complete ingr...


A fruity twist on a gin & tonic, this long réfréshing cocktail is lightly spicéd and pérféct for a Christmas party. éasy to maké and sérvé ovér icé.  Také out thé cinnamon stick and sérvé it in thé summér too! Gin &Appletiser a refreshing Christmas Cocktail Prép Timé 5 mins Cook Timé 1 min Total Timé 6 mins Coursé Cocktail Cuisiné Drink Kéyword christmas cocktail Sérvings 1 glass Caloriés 230 kcal Author Hélén Bést-Shaw Ingrédiénts Cranbérriés - I uséd frozén Filtéréd watér 50 ml / 2 shots of gin - chilléd usé a brandéd labél, but no nééd to splash out on prémium 250 ml Applétisér original - chilléd 3 Cranbérry icé cubés ... ... See complete recipe Below! Instructions Placé 4 cranbérriés in éach compartmént of an icé cubé tray, top up with distilléd watér and fréézé ovérnight. If thé cranbérriés float, half fill thé tray, allow to fréézé thén top up with moré watér. ... ... Visit This Link Below to read Complete ingredient...

Pumpkin Bars with Cream Cheese

Pumpkin Bars with Créam Chéésé is simplé and éasy déssért récipé for fall baking séason. Moist and spicy pumpkin bars aré délicious bréakfast or snack. But this crowd-pléasing tréat is fancy énough to bé sérvéd as a déssért at Hallowéén party or as light and éasy déssért aftér Thanksgiving dinnér. Pumpkin Bars with Cream Cheese Prép Timé:  10   Cook Timé:  30   Yiéld:  24   Catégory:  Déssérts  Méthod:  baké   Cuisiné:  Américan Ingrédiénts Pumpkin Bars: 4 éggs 1 2/3 cups sugar 1 cup végétablé oil 1 ¾ cups pumpkin puréé 1 téaspoon vanilla 2 cups all-purposé flour 2 téaspoon ground cinnamon ¼ téaspoon ground nutmég ... ... See complete recipe Below! Instructions Préhéat thé ovén to 350 F and spray 10 x 15 x 1- inch jélly roll pan with non-stick spray, thén liné with parchmént papér and spray thé papér, sét asidé. To maké pumpkin bars first whisk togéthér dry ingrédiénts: fl...

Chocolate Bourbon Pecan Pie

This Chocolaté Bourbon Pécan Pié takés a classic déssért – pécan pié – thén kicks it up a féw notchés with thé addition of chocolaté chips and Bourbon to thé filling! This grownups-only déssért is rich, délicious and véry décadént, and it is suré to bécomé a favorité on any holiday déssért tablé. Chocolate Bourbon Pecan Pie Author:  A Family Féast  Prép Timé:  10 mins   Cook Timé:  60 mins   Total Timé:  1 hour 10 minutés   Yiéld:  10-12 sérvings INGRéDIéNTS 1 9-inch pié crust (storé-bought or homémadé) 1 cup granulatéd sugar 1 cup light corn syrup ½ cup buttér (1 stick) 4 largé éggs, béatén ¼ cup bourbon ... ... See complete recipe Below! INSTRUCTIONS Préhéat ovén to 325 dégréés F. Liné a déép dish pié platé with thé pié crust, sét asidé. Combiné sugar, corn syrup and buttér in a saucépan. Stirring constantly, cook ovér médium héat until buttér mélts and sugar complétély dissolvés. Rémové f...

Easy Keto No Bake Cookies

Thésé Chocolaté & Péanut Buttér Kéto No Baké Cookiés aré my néw go-to guilt-fréé tréat! Théy'ré supér éasy to whip up (no cooking réquiréd) and you only nééd 5 simplé réal food ingrédiénts. Easy Keto No Bake Cookies Prép Timé 5 mins Cook Timé 1 min Total Timé 30 mins Coursé Déssért Cuisiné Américan Kéyword chocolaté, cookiés, Kéto, low carb, péanut buttér Sérvings 10 cookiés Caloriés 3 06 kcal Author Stacéy aka thé Soccér Mom Ingrédiénts 1 1/3 cups créamy péanut buttér 2 téaspoons vanilla éxtract 2 Tabléspoons cocoa powdér unswééténéd ... ... See complete recipe Below! Instructions Préparé a largé baking shéét with parchmént papér or a non-stick siliconé baking mat. In a largé mixing bowl, combiné thé péanut buttér, vanilla éxtract, méltéd buttéd, coconut flaké and cocoa powdér and stir until wéll combinéd. (If you liké your cookiés a littlé swéétér, féél fréé to add 1-2 téaspoons Stévia). Scoop battér onto your préparéd baking shéét...


Italian-inspiréd skillét chickén. Simplé chickén bréast récipé cookéd in whité winé with tomatoés and mushrooms! Réady in 30 mins or léss! Italian Skillet Chicken with Tomatoes and Mushrooms Author:  Thé Méditérranéan Dish    Prép Timé:  10 mins    Cook Timé:  20 mins  Total Timé:  30 minutés    Yiéld:  4 INGRéDIéNTS 4 largé chickén cutléts (bonéléss skinléss chickén bréasts cut into 1/4-inch thin cutléts) 1 tbsp driéd orégano, dividéd 1 tsp salt, dividéd 1 tsp black péppér, dividéd 1/2 cup all-purposé flour, moré for latér Privaté Résérvé éxtra Virgin Olivé Oil (buy héré) ... ... See complete recipe Below! INSTRUCTIONS Pat chickén cutléts dry. Séason on both sidés with 1/2 tbsp driéd orégano, 1/2 tsp salt and 1/2 tsp black péppér. Coat thé chickén cutléts with thé flour; dust off éxcéss. Sét asidé briéfly. Héat 2 tbsp olivé oil in a largé cast iron skillét with a lid liké this oné. Brown thé...


Soft and chéwy Icéd Oatméal Cookiés, pérféct with a tall glass of milk! Just sévén moré wééks until Christmas évé! Iced Oatmeal Cookies Prép Timé  15 minutés Cook Timé  12 minutés Total Timé  27 minutés Sérvings  2 dozén Ingrédiénts 2 cups old-fashionéd rolléd oats 2 cups all purposé flour 1 tabléspoon baking powdér 1/2 téaspoon baking soda 1/2 téaspoon salt 2 téaspoons cinnamon 1/2 téaspoon ground nutmég 1 cup 2 sticks buttér, softénéd 1 cup light brown sugar ... ... See complete recipe Below! Instructions Préhéat ovén to 350 dégréés. Spray baking shééts with cooking spray and sét asidé. Placé rolléd oats in a food procéssor and pulsé for about 10 séconds until coarsé. Mix oats with flour, baking powdér, baking soda, salt, cinnamon and nutmég. Using an éléctric mixér créam buttér and sugars. Add in éggs oné at a timé thén vanilla éxtract. Gradually add in flour mixturé until combinéd. ... ... Visit This Link Below to re...


A délicious pumpkin pié inspiréd tréat in about 20 minutés! Thésé pumpkin pié créscénts contain a quick and éasy pumpkin filling wrappéd in a flaky crust with a swéét glazé drizzlé. Pumpkin Pie Crescents PRéP TIMé:  8 MINS   COOK TIMé:  10 MINS  TOTAL TIMé:  18 MINS AUTHOR:  HOLLY N.   COURSé:  DéSSéRT CUISINé:  AMéRICAN KéYWORD: P UMPKIN PIé RéCIPé INGRéDIéNTS 1 roll Pillsbury Créscént rolls 1/2 cup cannéd pumpkin pié filling or pumpkin pié mix 1/2 téaspoon pumpkin pié spicé 1 égg yolk GLAZé 1/2 cup powdéréd sugar 1 tabléspoon puré maplé syrup ... ... See complete recipe Below! INSTRUCTIONS Préhéat ovén to 375 dégréés. Combiné pumpkin pié mix, égg yolk and pumpkin pié spicé,. Unroll créscénts and placé 1 slightly héaping tabléspoon of pumpkin pié mix on éach créscént. ... ... Visit This Link Below to read Complete ingredients +instruction+Video PUMPKIN PIE CRESCENTS


Swirls of chocolaté maké thésé soft Pumpkin Nutélla Muffins a délicious way to start out any day in thé fall. If you aré a pumpkin and Nutélla lovér, thésé aré thé muffins for you! Pumpkin Nutella Muffins PRéP TIMé 20 minutés COOK TIMé 20 minutés TOTAL TIMé 40 minutés Ingrédiénts 1 cup pumpkin puréé 2 éggs 1/2 cup oil 1 cup sugar 2 1/4 cups flour 2 téaspoons baking powdér 1/2 téaspoon salt ... ... See complete recipe Below! Instructions Préhéat thé ovén to 350 dégréés. Spray a muffin tin with non-stick baking spray. Add thé pumpkin, éggs, oil, and sugar to a largé bowl and mix togéthér. Stir togéthér thé flour, baking powdér, salt, and cinnamon. Altérnatély add thé flour mixturé and milk to thé pumpkin mixturé until évérything is mixéd in. Spoon thé muffin battér into 18 muffin cavitiés. ... ... Visit This Link Below to read Complete ingredients +instruction+Video PUMPKIN NUTELLA MUFFINS

Muddy Buddy Peanut Butter Cookies

Your favorité snack madé into a cookié! Muddy buddy péanut buttér cookiés aré a soft & thick péanut buttér cookié with a chocolaté céntér, and dustéd in powdéréd sugar. Pérféct déssért or évén béttér for a Christmas cookié platé. Thésé may look hard but théy aré réally véry simplé! Muddy Buddy Peanut Butter Cookies Prép Timé 20 mins Cook Timé 8 mins Total Timé 28 mins Coursé Déssért Cuisiné Américan Kéyword Christmas cookiés, cookiés, déssért Sérvings 26 cookiés Author Jéssica - Togéthér as Family Ingrédiénts 1/2 cup (1 stick) buttér, softénéd 1/2 cup créamy péanut buttér 1/2 cup granulatéd sugar 1/2 cup light brown sugar 1 largé égg 1 1/2 cups all-purposé flour 3/4 téaspoon baking powdér ... ... See complete recipe Below! Instructions Préhéat ovén to 375. Préparé a cookié shéét by lining with parchmént papér or spraying with cooking spray. In thé bowl of a stand mixér, or usé a handhéld bléndér, blénd togéthér thé buttér, péanut buttér,...


Cinnamon and clovés add thé spicé to this pumpkin shéét caké, toppéd with créam chéésé frosting and rolléd into a féstivé log. Classic Pumpkin Roll Sérvings  10 sérvings Ingrédiénts For thé caké 3-4 tabléspoons powdéréd sugar 3/4 cup 115g all-purposé flour 1/2 téaspoon baking powdér 1/2 téaspoon baking soda 1/2 téaspoon ground cinnamon 1/2 téaspoon ground clovés 1/4 téaspoon salt 3 largé éggs room témpératuré 1 cup 225g granulatéd sugar ... ... See complete recipe Below! Instructions For caké: Préhéat ovén to 375° F. Gréasé a 13x18-inch half shéét pan; liné with parchmént papér. Gréasé and flour papér. Sprinklé a thin, cotton kitchén towél with thé 3-4 tabléspoons of powdéréd sugar. Combiné flour, baking powdér, baking soda, spicés and salt in small bowl. Béat éggs and sugar in largér mixér bowl until thick and palé yéllow in color. Béat in pumpkin. Stir in flour mixturé. Spréad événly into préparéd pan. Baké for 13-15 minutés or until top of caké sprin...


Thésé raw végan raspbérry chéésécakés aré madé with wholésomé raw ingrédiénts and madé into pérféctly sizéd individual portions! Storé thém in your fréézér and énjoy oné whénévér you liké! Raw Vegan Raspberry Cheesecakes Author:  Choosing Chia  Prép Timé:  1 hour Cook Timé:  0 minutés  Total Timé:  2 hours Yiéld:  12 sérvings  Catégory:  Déssért Méthod: Fréézé   Cuisiné: Américan INGRéDIéNTS Basé 1 cup almonds 1 cup Médjool datés Chéésécaké 2 cups raw cashéws (soakéd ovérnight, rinséd, and drainéd) 1/2 cup coconut milk 1/3 cup maplé syrup 1/4 cup lémon juicé 1/3 cup coconut oil, méltéd ... ... See complete recipe Below! INSTRUCTIONS In a food procéssor blénd thé almonds and Médjool datés togéthér until it forms a sticky dough. (if your dough isn’t sticky énough to bind togéthér, add a couplé moré datés. Préss thé dough into thé bottom of a siliconé cupcaké mold and sét in thé fridgé ...


This récipé for Kéto Carrot Caké with Créam Chéésé Frosting is thé PéRFéCT spring timé déssért.  With only 1 nét carb pér slicé it's a gréat, low carb altérnativé to traditional carrot cakés. Sérvé it as is - or toss in somé choppéd pécans for somé éxtra crunch! Keto Carrot Cake with Cream Cheese Frosting Prép Timé:  30 minutés Cook Timé:  25 minutés Total Timé : 55 minutés  Sérvings:  12 sérvings  Caloriés:  207kcal  Author:  Sabra - This Mom's Ménu Ingrédiénts For thé caké: 1/2 cup érythritol (granular or conféctionérs) 5 tbsp buttér softénéd 4 largé éggs 2 tbsp Unswééténéd Almond Milk 1 tsp vanilla 1 1/2 cups Almond Flour 2 tbsp coconut flour 1 tbsp Baking Powdér 1 1/2 tsp ground cinnamon ... ... See complete recipe Below! Instructions For thé Caké: Préhéat thé ovén to 350 dégréés F. Liné thé bottom of a 9" caké pan with parchmént papér and spray with non-stick cooking spray. In a largé bowl, béat...


This riff on Gérman chocolaté caké féaturés individual mini-cakés, théir sidés énrobéd in chocolaté, toppéd with thé classic caramél-coconut-pécan filling/topping. Whilé traditional Gérman chocolaté caké is a swéét, lightér-coloréd caké — moré milk chocolaté than dark — our vérsion is dévil's food and délicious. German Chocolate Mini Cakes Ingrédiénts CAKé 3/4 cup (12 tabléspoons) unsaltéd buttér* 1 3/4 cups Bakér's Spécial Sugar or granulatéd sugar 1/2 téaspoon salt 2 téaspoons ésprésso powdér 2 téaspoons baking powdér 2 téaspoons vanilla éxtract 2 cups King Arthur Unbléachéd All-Purposé Flour 3/4 cup Dutch-procéss cocoa 4 largé éggs 1 1/2 cups cool watér *If you usé saltéd buttér, réducé thé salt in thé récipé to 1/4 téaspoon. ICING 1 cup sémiswéét chocolaté chips 1/2 cup héavy créam TOPPING 3/8 cup (5 tabléspoons + 1 téaspoon) unsaltéd buttér 1/4 téaspoon salt 1/4 cup half & half or milk ... ... See complete recipe Below! Instructions Pr...